As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don't know We don't know. ~D. Rumsfeld

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Suddenly..... there was: Fog *_*

Left house quite late. Did my usual route including Fairytaletree and am now pretty sure the little, swift black bird is a Palestinian Sunbird since I saw its back glow blue in the sunlight. The Graceful Prinias were there also as well as a couple of dainty pigeons....

After having done my ritual (fisherWoman, wavebreaker, pond and Aroma-ATB) and sat myself down near the end of my mezah (with coffee and sandwich) - and after having two men come down to me to ask what I was looking at, hahahahhahahaa (at that particular moment I was looking at a lone Buri who was swimming in circles next to me) - I suddenly realized the sun was 'disappearing' and it started to be 'cool'. And..... then I saw it:

fog was slowly approaching the coast. The horizon became closer and closer-by. In the end the fog totally enveloped me. It was so amazing to have this experience of seeing the fog from over the huge vastness of the sea slowly approach and then 'swallow' me. I can't explain it in words but it was awesome.. really, really awesome.

I butchered the soles of my feet yesterday and in the morning they still hurt. They even hurted when I set out to walk (but that couldn't stop me) - and only after I reached the bridge over the Yarkon I noticed that every step wasn't an ordeal anymore. In the end my feet felt just fine. It only shows that being active and pressing (and thus causing more pain in the beginning) on the affected areas is a better 'healer' than sitting with your legs up.

1. and 2. of the cottonwooltree near the bridge over the Yarkon (there are many there, I really would like to know the name of that tree so I can find out more about them)
3. of a redeyedfly who was sitting near me at the wavebreaker just begging to be photographed.
4. and 5. in the haziness of the fog this morning - even Reading (whose tower flashes out a red light) can't be seen...


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