As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don't know We don't know. ~D. Rumsfeld

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


On the way to my office for a meeting crucial to my future I had to cross the Yarkon twice (that is because I opted to walk instead of taking the bus) - and the 'soap-story' of yesterday seems to be far more grave than I had suspected, for I saw hundreds (or thousands?) of dead fish floating on the waters of the Yarkon :-(

It made me terribly mad. WHAT IS THIS???? Is it allowed to just poison 'wildlife' in a river like that? Why doesn't anybody care? People walked by, looked at this horrible sight for 2 seconds and kept on walking and looking away.... This ignorance while seeing the very few 'natural' sites being destroyed drives me crazy. I just can't understand it :-( DAMN!!

I am so terribly scared for the turtles now that those waters are poisonous ....

Well, the meeting went like the fish in the Yarkon: no luck for me, trying to go with the flow.

A very distressed Egret sitting on top of the wheel of a discarded bike while watching the dead fish around him :-(

Some of the dead fish floating 'belly up' :-(

All that 'white spots' at the left side of the river are dead, poisoned fish...


Kate said...

I also am horrified at how little attention is being paid to the chemical spill into the Yarkon. It has basically killed (or will kill) all life in the Yarkon. I haven't been able to find any news coverage of it in English - nothing in Jerusalem Post or Haaretz. Only when I googled for information did I find your blog and a few other environmental blogs. What happens next? Will Sano be held accountable? Does anyone care? Anyway, it's nice to know that someone else out there is mourning the death of the Yarkon and all its wildlife. Even if that doesn't change what happened, it's comforting knowing that there are some other conscience beings out there.

Beachdiary said...

Kate, thank you. Indeed, good to know that there are at least other people around who feel shocked by this atrocity, crime....

I also didn't find anything on it anywhere. I only heard the day before from one of the fishermen at the Nemaal what had happened. He was horrified as well.....

Nobody said...

What's happening with this? Any news?

Beachdiary said...

Nobody, there was something written about it in the "Makommon" of last week but nothing happening I think...