As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don't know We don't know. ~D. Rumsfeld

Saturday, July 26, 2008


...ya'glorious new morning :)

Left house at 05:00 a.m. on the dot. It was still dark and on my way out of the garden I found...... the little spider in the middle of her web a - I thought about how patient she must be to sit still and wait for a fly or bug to get caught up in it. When I tried to photograph it again, which failed - I noticed also two medium sized lizards sitting right above the entrance of the house. Also failed in photographing them. As well as PeeWee whom I met under the bridge over the Yarkon... I really start to dislike my camera.

It was not fun walking through the dark, isolated streets - I guess I am afraid of the dark. Even the birds hadn't woken up yet. But, as I walked on here and there a whistle or two could be heard as a signal that that was happening. The awakening cities of Ramat-Gan and Tel-Aviv I caught on camera nicely though, showing the magnificent skies that were slowly breaking up into clouds....

I can't describe today at the beach. There are just no words that can describe my feelings when I met the sea this morning. Although he was acting more wild than I have ever seen him acting before in this season, it was with a softness that was totally paradoxical to the show he put up. The drops he sent raining down from over the railing were soft and warm and had absolutely nothing of "anger" in them. On the contrary, they were soothing...

I discovered I couldn't sit down at my usual hiding place at the pier since the waves were splashing high above where I am to sit down and I have no waterproof backpack thus was afraid my camera would get wet. This was the first time I felt sorry I had taken the camera with me, because I was longing to have me engulfed in the furious but tender waves.

He was satisfied with me and I know why. I hope I can keep up with it, because I know it's good. Also this song started playing in my head the moment I was secluded with the sea ....
אני יודעת, אני שומעת, מישהו הולך תמיד איתי

He also showed his power though, in a show that was very funny in my eyes. The canoe-ers weren't able to get their canoes any further than a few meters offshore before the sea simply pulled them back to the beach again. No matter how many times they tried they just couldn't get it done. I found them talking to each other - they were 'defeated', LOL.


I just saw this now (21:00 evening) :

Five drown off Israel's shores despite repeated warnings of turbulent waters,

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