As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don't know We don't know. ~D. Rumsfeld

Saturday, June 28, 2008

So tired :P

What an effort LOL. All that strenuous action going on this morning at the Nemaal Tel-Aviv, I'm exhausted, hahaha - When I arrived there around 07:30 I found thousands of people there. It turned out a Triathlon was being held there and many (I mean really m-a-n-y) were participating. It was a happy and cheerful atmosphere and people were encouraging the participants by cheering them on. I still managed to get to the waterfront (most parts were fenced off to keep the way free for the participants) and talk with "my" fishermen. They caught some Arasiem, a Miramera and a "Rock-fish" (dag ha-Sela), but nothing spectacular again. One fisherman said the big fish won't show up because at the pond behind the wave-breaker they are adding sand so the depth of the sea nearby the wavebreaker is becoming more and more shallow, thus keeping the fish further away from the shore. It's becoming too busy now at the beach on Saturdays. I like that a lot less. Perhaps I should start out earlier in the mornings on Saturdays...

Of course I couldn't show any self discipline and photographed some flowers on the way to the beach as well. The Bougainvillea's colors are so vivid and intense and make a quite an impression on me so I just have to have that 'eternalized' on photo. Then, there was a stem of a tree/plant having the 3 phases of life all in one on it: the bud, the blooming flower and the flower that had wilted. Like a symbolic kind of thing. At least, that's how I felt it.

Also, while absorbing the lone birds flying around and the pityful situation the Yarkon finds itself in at that particular part of its stretch, on the bridge over the Yarkon connecting Tel-Aviv with Ramat-Gan I saw "Shalit Now" (I suppose inspired by the "Shalom Now" slogan) written on the pavement. (I assume they demand Gilad Shalit's release)

1. Small clip of the finish line at the Triathlon.
2. Photo of a different part along the way of the Triathlon.
3. Three photos - one of a Akas, one of a Miramer, one of the Dag-HaSela.
4. Photo of a Bougainvillea along the way to the beach.
5. Shalit Now - graffiti








Enzo said...

Just back from a day out in the country..
You had a busy day too.
Lovely pics! I love the Shalit Now pic...

Beachdiary said...

Thank you very much!

A day in the country in England must be very nice :) I imagine green pastures and flowery hills...

Enzo said...

And sheep, cows and horses...
It's nice to see some green pastures from time to time...!
But we Londoners cannot stay long without our pollution and stress...!
It's an addiction...

Beachdiary said...

luckily enough to get in and out of it doesn't take day-long flights, hey Banauro? a few hours and you're changing scenes ;-)

Here, it is the same as well... when I go on my walks I start from urban concrete - when I arrive at the sea (although the "yuppie" atmosphere can be felt if you are open to it) - I can 'touch' nature.

We are very lucky people...

Enzo said...

I agree with you. I used to walk for miles and miles in Israel. I used to start from Jaffa almost every morning all the way past the Opera House to Dizengoff St. and then back to Jaffa!
I miss Israel!