As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don't know We don't know. ~D. Rumsfeld

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Today -after having eaten my Shakshuka sandwich and had my traditional Cappuccino- while sitting at a new spot on my mezah (above it actually, on the wall way up, behind the balustrade, legs dangling down) - I, undauntedly (:p) marched towards the end of the mezah and looked forward to some solitary time with the sea (which I got, there was absolutely NOBODY around - except 2 fishermen on the big mezah opposite). The sea was 'moderate', meaning that the waves gushed at the wall pretty forcefully but further outwards he looked calm with here and there some sheepwaves. And thus.... I thoroughly enjoyed sitting there. That much so, that I decided I'd lay myself down right there -head on backpack. From time to time some splashes of the waves hitting the mezah's end made me a little wet and one time even a naughty wave decided to climb up and cover the back of me totally in water, but that was about it.

That's why I was totally unprepared when after I sat up again and lit a cigarette, a wave suddenly totally submerged me under his run. It must have been at least 2 meters high. So, there was I ... being reminded again not ever to 'rely' -on what or whatever. It is not that I didn't enjoy being caught by the wave and drenched completely and feel the energy it forced over me, it is just that I was surprised... and a little bit angry with myself for letting my guard go.

On the other hand, not relying and believing and always being cautious or suspicious of what 'can' come or what people may do doesn't look so attractive to me either. As this wave proved - because he was totally bliss :D

Photos of:
1. the mezah's end and the treachery 'calm' sea today :p
2. a new apartment complex they're building on my way to the beach that makes me suffocate just looking at it (they look like rabit-cages - as many as possible people in an area as small as possible -and being cheated into thinking -and paying for- that's 'luxury')
3. the best photo to date taken by me of a kingfisher (who was ALL around me today, would almost start to think he took a liking to me, LOL)
4. a leftover of the wine-festival that was held in the evenings (not my time of day to walk around the nemaal if I judge it by the litter people leave) -
5. a snow-egret at the pond - showing he needs glasses :D


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