As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don't know We don't know. ~D. Rumsfeld

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Left early this morning (for a September morning) - around 06:30 and spent well over half an hour on top of the bridge over the Yarkon river. Photos 1 & 2 (Photo 2 I took showing the weary feeling I get when knowing this river covered up a horrible secret for a few months - a little girl's body was hidden in it). Later on I saw 2 turtles on each side of the river. I was so surprised. I always thought the turtle I used to see was the only one there and quite special. Who knows how many more turtles are in it. It is lovely though and I had a good laugh (all by myself so I must have looked real weird if there would have been people around) when a Snow Egret got curious and decided to see what those creases on the water surface were and saw the turtle look straight up in his face. The poor bird looked like she was quite confused :D - Photo 3 although the turtle cannot be made out so clearly due to him having the same color as the murky Yarkon water.

The fishermen at the wavebreaker were very pleased this morning. They caught some real nice Denises (Also some arash but those were put in a different bucket because considered inferior to the Denise, LOL). Photo 4. As I was standing there one of them caught a tiny little fish and they exclaimed "Oooooh a Communist", hahahahaha.... They told me they call it that way because they don't like them. He was thrown at the floor to die. I felt sorry for the little guy and I picked it up -with a carton because I was warned not to touch him because their 'poison' stings for at least half an hour if you do touch them barehanded- and threw it back in the sea.

Then I saw crabs again at the pond. They are not always there and last time I made a mess out of photographing them clearly (they turned up real vague) so here some more photos of one - I believe he has only one claw :-( - Photos 5 & 6. I think he's real beautiful. Blue legs, Orange claws, transparent body....

After I had settled myself at the top of the stairs of "my" mezah I noticed the sea (finally hahahaha) - he was soooo calm and relaxed. As if he had swallowed a (huge) Chill Pill :D Although I prefer him to be more wild I still very much enjoyed this 'mood' he was in, and after having finished my capuccino and sandwich I had bought at Aroma-at-the-beach I decided to sit at the very end of the mezah. There I went..... and wandered into a totally different, secluded world. Soooo lovely. The fact that there were (a lot of) fishermen around me didn't bother me at all. First of all, I know all of them and second they are lovely people and don't talk much but are there when you 'need' them.

Now the Jet-ski 'thing'. I have started smiling at a jet-skier since a few weeks already each time we "meet" (not that I initiated it, I am far too shy for that) and am in hopes of him offering me a ride on his jet-ski one time. And so -today as well- he came by a few times and stops right in front of me and......... we smile at each other, hahahahahah - He already spoke to me once -some kind of compliment I didn't quite get- but today he made it a point to stop right in front of me and "notice" him. So, I have high hopes that one day, maybe and desirably before the end of summer, I will be offered a ride on a jet-ski.

Last photo is of where I would like to be 24/7. Right there, at the end (on the righthand side) - The end of the world. For me....


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