After some chats with the fishermen and fisherwoman on the wavebreaker I arrived at the pond and saw a very large fish (photo 2 shows his sad face). My heart felt for him. He seemed drugged or something. As I climbed over the balustrade to get closer to him he sort of swam or drifted closer to me as well. It felt as if he asked for help. And then.... it happened: the sun started shining exactly on his shoulders (where he should have shoulders) and flickering stars started to form over the surface of the water near him (photo 3 -stars at right side of the photo and photo 4 of his 'shoulders'). It felt like the fairytale of "the golden fish" (which Russians claim is theirs but I am sure is Dutch). The only wish I had at that moment though was that the fish would be fine and able to venture out to the open sea again...
Sitting at the end of my mezah was absolutely fabulous, like it usually is. I never seem to get enough of it....and, I got, as usual, totally drenched........
Last photo is of two dogs who looked so anxious for their "mom" to get out of the supermarket I had just visited as well that I just couldn't resist but make a photo of those endearing faces.
i hate those stupid muzzles. they should be on some human animals instead.
Tamar, perhaps in their eyes it is very beautiful :p
Who can tell? :D
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