was the theme today. Well, the last few days, I think. Photo 1.... The path of the sun reflecting in the sea leads to me. Where I am standing. Is that coincidence or does this happen to everybody (meaning that the path of the sun always leads to the person looking that way?)
I'm so ashamed I couldn't identify if it were lemons or oranges growing on the tree I passed (photo 2) and a little further down the route to the beach I noticed what looked like grapes (photo 3) but I know they aren't (because those are the little buggers that get into my sandals all the time and make the soles of my feet go all black).
Yesterday afternoon they weren't there but this morning: flags were waving in the wind on the boardwalk leading up to my mezah. (photo 4)
Another theme today is the waiter at Aroma-at-the-beach. I know I write a lot about him lately but I am genuinely touched by sweet people. And he IS sweet. He told me he saw me walking in the morning while he sat in the bus. I showed him my photos. But it isn't that. It is because I feel this (very young) man has such a gentle soul.
I am angry at myself. I lied. I don't know how I did it but I didn't want to hurt someone. There is this woman sitting on one of the benches at Nordau Ave. that sells a book she has written. This is not the first time she called out to me. But this time I decided I wasn't going to pass by "like everybody else" because that looks so humiliating. So I approached her and I asked how much is the book. She said "40 shekel". Well that ain't much but, for a book I know I won't ever read anyway I had to do some thinking. So I told her I didn't have money on me (which I did have) instead of telling her I would think about it. So sad to write a book and have to sit on a bench that early in the morning and like a beggar try to sell it. My heart goes out to her. I will probably buy the book, next time...
The second thing I am angry about to myself is that in the sherut I was laughing with the driver when a person (we couldn't tell if it was a man or woman) stopped the sherut. When he opened his mouth we knew it was a man. You just couldn't tell otherwise. Because I felt I was doing something wrong I tried to make up for it afterwards and told the driver about people being being born in the wrong bodies and such - and it sorta provoked him I think because he got angry at me. But I didn't care. At least I tried to make up for my stupid mistake of being judgmental without thinking.
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