Finally I left the house at a decent time this morning (06:00) and arrived after a pretty steep walk (not too fast but continuously, except for those drearing traffic lights) at 07:10 at the Nemaal. The sea was dead-quite and after picking up my usual Capuccino-to-go (this is getting more and more embarassing - even from the day before yesterday since today I wasn't even asked what I wanted to order by the girl at the counter but, after a friendly "goodmorning, how are you", she simply said "12 Shekels please", LOL) I settled myself at the end of my mezah.
The sea produced a peculiar exhibition - namely a sort of a curving, north-to-south-moving 'stripe' or 'line' or 'band' having a different color than the rest of the sea stretching from some 10 meters away from me until the end at the horizon. (photo 2). Mysterious....
After some talk with the fishermen I left and found on my way to the sherut that at the spot where Abi Nathan's (click, click again.. ) Voice of Peace dedication is situated people were preparing a remembrance service in honor of his passing over 30 days ago (it is a Jewish tradition to hold a remembrance service after the passing over of a person 30 days afterwards). (photo 3)
I didn't stay for the ceremony since I had no idea at what time it would be held. In my heart he's remembered for the good - stirring many sentiments and emotions. My being present physically at such a ceremony won't change that.
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