There were sooooooo many schools of fish swimming by underneath me in the Yarkon river. It was almost unbelievable. And they looked big and fat as well. They jumped up from under the surface many times and it was really nice to watch this. My camera decided not to let me have a souvenir from it and all photos I took turned out either black or grey without seeing anything of the fish.
When I arrived at the boardwalk I started to talk to who I thought was the fisherman of the Skate (Sea-cat) but I wasn't sure it was actually him (my memory for faces is just catastrophical and has already put me in bizar situations in the past). Anyway, I asked him and he said 'no', so I apologized and quickly walked on towards the wavebreaker, leaving behind an amused smiling person. He must have thought I wanted to talk him up or something :D :D
At Aroma-at-the-beach I had some laughs with the girl behind the counter about how I don't even have to fill in my order anymore, nor say my name (they never got it anyway) - in order to get what I want :D and on I went to my mezah.
It was w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l, amazing, exhilarating, totally awesome and soooooo addictive (for me). The sea decided to hand me a present today: he was forceful but not to the extent I couldn't sit at my mezah's end. He swept his powerful waves over my legs that were dangling down till slightly above the banks and got swung sideways because of the force those waves had in them (I know that if I would have stand on the banks beside the mezah I would have been toppled over by them). I sat there and just couldn't leave....
I decided to write some personal stuff on this blog as well.. so I won't forget the things happening except those descriptions. So, here goes:
there are around 4 fishermen who slightly, very nicely but still disturbingly for me, have expressed they were interested in more than just being 'partners in crime' (so to speak) with me. It would take away the feeling of total freedom I feel around them. Today one of them, a really very nice one, said that I was 'refreshing' and when he complained about little fish baiting said that he didn't care because I was "better to have around than actually catch fish". When his friend a bit further up came around he asked my age because they "had an argument about it" (which implies they are talking about me, which I really don't like) - and that he -the friend- thought I was 50+ (wonder what the other one thought, I never dared to ask) - which, although I am, I also don't like because of different reasons, vanity being probably one of them. I hope this won't continue because I hate to lose this feeling of freedom and just be me.
- of my twin-bananas I bought yesterday and thought was just too cute.
- of a motorist I see around the beach a lot and his Harley Davidson which I think is such a waste to take on urban roads (should be tearing the speedlimits on roads meant for doing so)
- of a presumed water-lily (I just am not sure) in the tiny pond next to the Moshe Aviv building -took it yesterday but forgot to upload it then and still want to keep it since flickr throws one's photos out after a certain quantity.
Of course I assume that you have properly anesthetized your bananas before merging them, and that their dignity was respected during the surgery.
The same goes about the motorist by the way
Ah! Nobody! :D :D
But, of course! Only they were merged from birth so little I could do to make them feel more respected :D
The motorist is out of my league :P
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