There was an old man of at least 80 or more sitting a tad further landinwards and he started talking to me. He showed me the catch of today, which consisted out of all those small little "Communists" the fishermen usually throw back in the sea if they catch them. He was very proud in his catch and I thought that was so sweet. But.... as turned out later, he is a clever man. He said he sold these small fish to a Chinese restaurant and earned money out of it! Hahahaha....
We had a lot of good laughs and I felt like having made a quantum leap to ages ago when sitting near my dad fishing. Only, he thought differently about things. He actually told me he likes to have a girl sit near him (and started out about how one time a woman used to come to sit near him every time he fished but that she talked so much that he had to ask her to stay away from him, hahaha) and invited me to have a beer with him at one of the restaurants down the pond :D :D :D I, obviously, politely refused - but I thought this was so funny :D
He then insisted that I fished and used his rod. And so, I caught my very first fish today (in the photo he holds the fish I caught). The smallest fish one has ever seen. He was laughing so much about it that when the next 'hit' he pulled out of the water showed an even smaller fish I couldn't help but laugh until my stomach ached. I told him that served him right, haha.
small fish shouldnt be fished - its immoral and bad for the fish stocks not to mention illegal (i think)
secondly - i think this guy was cracking on to you.. did u get a number?
They were not necessarily young fish, just small.
Yeah, but that's what was so funny :D
I am utterly disgusted by what you and your nasty cats are doing to poor little fish. You have no mercy.
Hehehe :D
Where u been btw? Internet-break?
I am working most of the time. I am doing it from home mostly. But I am posting occasionally and even commenting here and there.
I don't understand your blog anymore. Since you started with this 'updating' thing....
But this is how I think. Until I struck on this updating method I've never managed to express myself properly. I am thinking in theories in which everything is interconnected. Probably I should write summaries for each of these posts, but I don't do it because I am blogging mostly to make my thoughts clear to myself. How readable it is for others is not necessarily my primary concern.
OK then :D :D :D
I just can't figure out where your last 'thought' is placed - but if you don't care, that's picobello as well :D
Many times there is no last thought. It's more like looking at the same thing from different angles. But I don't think that my writing is very chaotic or disorganized. I am now writing technical stuff, I am not personally involved too much in what I write. So I have no particular agenda to cap my posts with some message to the public.
It's not chaotic or disorganized, it's just that I can't find where to comment since I am not sure what was what you placed last.
You can comment on whatever point you want. You don't have to comment on the last one. Actually today I had to split one post because it got really too long. So I posted the new one separately but I was very uneasy about doing it since from all points of view it belongs to the long one. But the long post has got so long that it became unreadable even for me
:D :D
We're getting there; we're getting there :D
OK then. So how will you know where a reaction is placed? You search through all of the posts?
I get an email. Just as I do when you place your comments now
Really?? I don't get emails when a comment is placed on this blog... Nor did I get one at the other blog (Chamsa).
But, OK good to know ;-)
hmmm I will make some screenshots to show how you can do it on your blog. When you post on other blogs, at least those from the blogspot like me or Nizo, you should check the option of "email follow-up comments to blah blah". You probably don't have your email configured in your profile, that's why this option does not show up for you.
OK. I have no idea how to do that. If I give you my password for this blog can you do it for me?
yes. Of course. Send it to my gmail
But I can also post screenshots on my blog.
OK, I'll send it from tsedekster :)
test ... it works???
yeah!!!! it works :D
thank you ever so much!
good... another thing ... you have your email in your profile .. you should only find this checkbox for forwarding comments to you from blogspot blogs
Great!! How can I thank you? I appreciate it very much :)
In fact you should see right in this window .. here it's useless as you have your comments forwarded anyway from your blog .. but on other blogs it should be the same
Thank you Nobody! I will try that out on your blog :D
you are welcome
:D :D
anyway i am off ... c u later
Okido :) thanks again and good night for now !
You don't get emails from my blog??
Do you see this checkbox?
I got it. It works!!
(can't find anymore where you posted that on your blog though - 9th august?)
good ... c u .. take care
yes... i posted it with a wrong date so that it does not appear on the front page
Good night, Nobody :)
Lirun said...
small fish shouldnt be fished - its immoral and bad for the fish stocks not to mention illegal (i think)
According to this funny article we are fast approaching a stage when creatures like Tsedek and her cats will be promptly detained, imprisoned and possibly executed for doing this shit to poor animals/plants. Dunno about the Arabs but here in the West, time is running over for Tsedek and her likes.
running over=running out
Whadda'ya mean? :D :D :D
The fish dignity is at stake here?
Btw. this morning (11-10) as I spoke with a fisherWOman she also said the same thing tho. There should be a restriction of fishing for one year so the small ones can grow into adult fish since this way it ends up in a shortage later on. But the truth is that every fisherman I met, except for this old man, throw them back at sea if they're small.
Stop playing an idiot Tse. You know very well what I mean.
Prospective dog owners must take a four-hour course on pet care before they can buy a canine companion, while anglers must learn to catch fish humanely
You can't convince me that having one of your cats crash the poor fish between its teeth, while trampling on the fish dignity in the process, has anything humane and dignified about it. If you and your cats are so set on devastating our marine fauna, you can at least do it without so much needless cruelty
Nor can goldfish be flushed down a toilet to an inglorious end; they must first be anesthetized with special chemicals, and then killed.
Wow, you are short tempered today Nobody.
Anyway a cat and a fish are two of nature's creations and what they do together is none of your business. Dignity or no dignity LOL. Full stop.
I agree about the cruelty towards fish though but mostly when I see them in the buckets dying a slow suffocating death after they been caught.
And, of course, I always feel sorry for the crabs ...
Beachdiary said...
Wow, you are short tempered today Nobody.
I will moderate my temper, tse, if you promise me that from now on you are going to anesthetize all of your crabs before carrying out your weird experiments on them
I promise, Nobody. Now can you be nice? :D :D
Anyway I once had an aquarium and when only two of the tens of fish stayed alive for a long time I had a cousin of mine admiring me for giving them so much 'space' :D (50 liter aquarium), hahahaha
Ok Tse. Just treat decently your crabs, fish and microbes and I will spare you my anger
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