As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don't know We don't know. ~D. Rumsfeld

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Power Of Life

When things get really down there are two things one can do: bail out or try to stumble back up. So, I'm trying to stumble back up and guess what? I'm proud in myself because I ain't doing so bad with that.

Last Thursday evening I went to see Cesaria Evora with a friend. I only have one word for that performance: "Magnifique". This elderly lady, totally clean of any 'celebrity attitude', of whom one should think her voice would become weaker with age - still has the magic talent to have a sold-out concert hall on their feet and dancing - while her voice is as warm and deep as on her recorded music.

To get a taste of it - though bad image and sound:

Then, Friday -after shopping fanatically on Thursday morning before work in order to
get the right ingredients for the Nasi Goreng I was planning to cook, another friend, H. ,
came to stay the weekend with me. Although I was running all day in order to present her
with a decent meal, it was lovely and I totally enjoyed her stay with me. We sort of just
relaxed (except for the cooking and cleaning) and watched t.v. while this morning we
set out for 'my walk' to the Nemaal.

She doesn't want to drive on Saturdays (Shabbath) so we also had to walk the route back
again which, to my surprise was not tiring at all.

Following are the photos and captions

A butterfly on a Jasmine flower:

Now that H. was with me I took advantage of it and asked her to take a photo of me with Ms.Cat:

H. was afraid to descend to my mezah and so I descended alone and was lucky enough to have Mr. Egret land near me during his everlasting search for food. I like this photo though it is very faulty - I wouldn't mind having a poster like this on my wall:

And, yes... again, a jet-ski. I so thoroughly enjoyed driving one in Eilat I wish I was on this one in the photo below:

When we set out to return home we decided to take a different route and so passing the Hilton Hotel I saw someone looking at something in the Charles Chlore park and the curious type I am - I wanted to see what it was. Turns out there's a Muslim graveyard there, HUH??? All these years I'm here and the thousands of times I have passed there without noticing it even. There's a sign up that says: "forbidden entrance, holy territory"...

Near there were beautiful Sabres growing and against the deep blue skies I had to take a photo of them as well, of course:

We saw many cats everywhere as usual but I place a photo of this one because he or she was so funny looking:

And, luckily enough, I again saw the little lizard that I saw about a week ago hiding at the building site near my previous home - but I didn't have a camera with me that time:

And last (but not least as they say) a photo from Thursday morning when a Whitebreasted Kingfisher came to sit at the electricity cable near my balcony window solely to provide me with a heavenly feeling of being blessed to be able to enjoy the beauty of a bird like that shining in the early morning sun:


Lirun said...

great pics.. adore nasi goreng..

youre looking great.. good to hear your cheering up a little..

Beachdiary said...

Thank you. I don't have much choice really. It's either 'up or under'. Though it's much easier to go under I think.