Photo 1 is of your typical winter day in Tel-Aviv. Lovely for the people, not so good for the country.
During my walk I met Cleopatrus again (yes, she is a he... reminds me of this song, click here please) - the cat I photographed yesterday - and this time he came to me and demanded some affection. I decided against it. All these lovers... I cannot handle it anymore :D
Further down the route I saw Bunny - I now start to think they are Hazes and not Rabbits. Photo 2 should show their smaller fore legs and those behind are longer. They were so cute tho I couldn't help keep on photographing them. They appeared not afraid of me since I climbed up the field on the side of the road and came quite close to them... Photos 3, 4 and 5 (you can see they are very curious though as if saying "I spot you!!".
The Frangipani tree that smells so wonderful in spring and summer has almost no flowers in it, but buds are blooming and I thought that was so sweet that I had to make a photo of that as well. Photo 6.
The sea was quiet. I laid myself down at my mezah, face towards the sun and noticed Mr. Egret approaching me -closer and closer. He must have thought that when I am horizontal I impose no danger upon him, I suppose :D Photo 7 and 8. (in photo 8 the fish he holds in his beak doesn't look very large but in reality it was)
And then, on my way out and near the moniot sherut, I encountered a protest stand against the persecution of Chinese people who get in involved in Falong Gong (some mediation thing, I think). I had seen it before I left for the Netherlands but this time the woman manning the 'station' addressed me and so I told her I will take photos of it (photos 9 and 10). I find it a bit peculiar at this time to protest against this -in a time of war between Israel and Gaza and all you hear on the news -also internationally- is about that- but ... why not?
Peace out :D
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