Today, after finally seeing the doctor (this was the 3rd time, the first time I came there simply was a notice on the door 'sorry, the doctor won't be in today', the second time was yesterday - I had been mistaken and thought it was then, so huhuhuhhhhh) and, of course, as was predictable, leaving her office with a whole lot of hafnayot to do tests I am not interested in doing but not receiving anything I actually came to see her about, I........
fast-walked towards the Nemaal.
At Fairytaletree the first thing I saw was a fruit had fallen off [photo 1] and while I stood under the tree with the wind blowing rather hard through its branches I thought the large, heavy fruits still hanging there [photo 2] and swaying from side to side could easily fall on my head. Was I a bit weary? Yessur. But it didn't prevent me from enjoying my rendez-vous with Senor Kigelia ;-)
The sea was nervous. His waves didn't only splash far over the balustrade of the boardwalk but they also kept coming one after the other with very little time between them, something that doesn't happen all that often. Even the spot at the pond that was left without water for the past few weeks was gone and high (well, relatively) water was covering it [photo 3].
MsCat came to greet me as usual (I feel very honored because she woke up from sleeping in the sun to just come and rub her head against me and be carressed). She did throw a weird look at Mr. Egret who found a small dead fish a couple of meters away from us (from MsCat & me). I bet she thought "How could I have missed that fish?" :D
The police-on-horses were drinking coffee at the Hof Metsisim beach post again and had their horses tied in the same place as I took earlier photos of. When I was talking to the horses they lifted their heads, stuck up their ears and looked at me. Soooooooooooo sweet!! Later I took a photo of those police "at work" [photo 4] and me dying of envy "what a job!!!"
At the big mezah (which I mounted and where I sat and sung in the wind THIS (click here) - and thought that notwithstanding everything I experienced in life I still don't want to give up on my naivity - because that would mean that I would have to start suspect people and I can not ever live like that) I photographed an lone fisherman [photo 5]. The feeling with it was indescribable because it was a mixture. I hope I will be able to reconstruct it when reading this and seeing the photo ..... later.
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