The waters of the Yarkon are at a real low (photo 2) and, except for the two single Lapwings who took off soon after landing on the concrete banks of the river, there were no birds to be detected either. Also.... no fish. Must have to do with the pollution a while back when a factory spilled its detergents in the Yarkon.
The bridge was deserted (photo 3) and except for my shadow there was nothing moving on it.
A red, very voluptuous, flower caught my attention. It looked so passionate. A true beauty. (photo 4) Flamenco music started playing through my head when looking at it :D
As I approached Fairytaletree I saw a fluffly little cat sitting high up on a split in its trunk (photo 5) - He or she came down to me straight as he/she noticed me so I was unable to take a better picture of her in that position.
There were several Bulbuls who were singing loudly around me and I tried to catch some on my camera (photos 6 & 7). There also were those tiny birds (not Graceful Prinia's) that hold their tails up high and made a lot of "noise". Their backs are shining green/blue when the sun throws its rays on them. Gorgeous little creatures. (but too fast for me to photograph)
I saw several graffities - photo 8 is of one on route to the Nemaal and it says "there is no end" and a very special message was written (the paint was still fresh when I saw it) on the boardwalk in the Nemaal (photo 9):
"Don't be afraid to dream. Don't be afraid. That your dreams may come true."
PS - a clip of two cats screaming at each other.
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