As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don't know We don't know. ~D. Rumsfeld

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Life's A Beach :D

Well, on Shabbaths that is. The rest of the week I can just peep in on the sea from very far away from the 18th floor of the building I'm working in :D
What??? Only Florida?? Who do they think they are??

Went to a brita yesterday and it was quite formal but also rather nice. I thoroughly enjoyed the baby. I so much enjoyed holding her. The beauty of innocence is breathtaking. So overpowering. Luckily enough they let me hold her for a long time. Pretty little princess.... (and all the while I couldn't keep my mind of thinking I wish I was holding my grandchild. because that's a real possibility... seen that my daughter married 9 months ago). Every time I get on a bus I look around hoping to see a woman with a headscarf on who's my daughter. I don't know what I will do if one time I will really see her. It's so hard because I don't want to be rejected again in my face by one of the two people whom I love without a doubt, without conditions....

This Jasmine:
who laid scattered over the pavement
gave me some magical minutes. I can't help but sensing myself in an Arabic Fairytale when inhaling its scent. I imagine myself surrounded by handsome men in long white robes while I am hovering above them on a flying carpet or something like that :D

I played with the Palestine Sunbirds... they flew around me and waited until I focussed in on them and then quickly flew away. I hid behind the hedges surrounding the tree they were flying around on. I snapped some 'empty' shots because they are way more sophisticated than I am and much faster as well.... But then.... one of them decided to have mercy on me and came to sit on the bark of the tree right next to me. Soooo close to me. She must have been knowing what she was doing because their instincts don't let them come this close ever:

The Rose hedges on Pinkas are blooming again. There have been times I passed there and thought they must have given up but.... Isn't it beautiful?

The Comrons (Shags) are heading North again. Winter is over that means. Or.... perhaps they didn't hear about el-Ninjo? :D

Of course my companion Klaas was with me all of the way... I took him up the big mezah and down to my mezah as well. I can't say he was thrilled about it, but.. he'll get used. He'll have to because I just can't get this 'bug' out of my head (heart). The bug that is the role the sea plays in my life ;-)

While sitting at the big mezah it was good to see some former friends (fishermen of last year) again. They came to me and we talked some. And one lingered a bit and talked about it being not fair 'authorities' closed the Tel-Aviv marina, the Reading area, the Ashdod marina and some more places for fishermen to go fishing. And then he said something that really caught my attention: "with what right do they close the sea for us?" - And so I am going to start a facebook group. Because I am also boiling with anger about how 'authorities' dare to take the liberty of keeping people from a place that belongs TO EVERYBODY and not to any authority. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!


boris said...

Prachtige baby Riet, en een prachtige foto ook van jou. Kusje van Herbert

Beachdiary said...

Dank je wel Herbert :-)
En.... kus terug van mij!!