Any way...
Met H. today (we don't see each other that much though we are good friends) and I promised we would enter the sea, and so we did. The sea was powerful. I could feel him pull me away from the beach (not at the Nemaal but near where a life-guard was situated because H. feel safer that way).
Bathing suits (let alone bikinis) I find impractical when swimming in the sea. They never stick to the parts of my body they should clang at so I would (I remember from the past) always be busy with puling at it in order to cover up again. So, I entered with my 'male' bermuda I wear when walking my walks and a tank-top. Still I didn't find that comfortable either. I am at a loss what would be comfortable though.
Photos are of
1. A Palestine Sunbird. He flew over my head and sat (rather high) on a tree right before and started singing. One day, during the past week, I had one female Palestine Sunbird (they're brown rather than black and blue) sit on my washing line and slowly proceeding towards Pinkie's cage. It was such a delight to see - they're so tiny and their beaks long and bend and so fragile. She then tried to get to the stick with seeds glued on it hanging from Pinkies cage and looked like a Kiwi (the bird) trying to stay in mid-air.
2. Some plants on Abba Hillel that I saw while walking in the already very warm weather (just after 06:00 a.m.) but looked like they had snow on them. They have a velvety white cover and that's what makes them look like that. The contradiction (when letting my imagination go - which isn't hard for me to do) is what struck me.
3. All the flowers I see on route to the Nemaal make me feel happy and lift my spirits but for long I haven't photographed the Bougainvillea though they are very much around and contribute to a cheerful environment. They're here in all colors but I photographed the red/purplish ones because I had to make a choice (can hardly photograph all of them).
4. The 'fire-flies' (their wings look like they're on fire under the rays of the sun) again. Not such a great shot but it transcends anyway somewhat the feeling how it is to see them.
5. Fish-scales (who scrapes them?) on the balustrade near the pond.
6. An arm-chair near the pond. "Take a seat".
7. There was an exposition of photos children who are placed in orphan homes had taken. Its intent is to have people donate. This photo I really liked. It was taken by the photographer who took photos of the children themselves.
8. Walking back from the beach later on I again saw this man (of whom I tought last year he had the most sweetest smile in the world) but what caught my attention more this time were the two children who were watching him as if in trance. They were totally mesmerized by him. And... he was throwing kisses at them ;-)
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