I played some games online the night before which I shouldn't have been playing and I didn't feel all that happy with myself this morning - quite confused actually. So I decided to put an end to that for once and for all. I make many decisions I don't keep but it depends on how much I stand behind them when deciding those decisions - this one is a definite decision. It was nice though. And flattering. And helped my self-esteem. But it was wrong. Now it's over. I so decided.
(1) Again I 'met' an Israeli Woodpecker. Sooo cute to let me hear him first so that I could prepare the camera (and still got an awful photo) and picture him.
(2) The beautiful purple flowers that are decorating a dust-bin site on Abba Hillel were in the process of opening up this morning. Like people: they were waking up from sleep (closed during the night, open during the day).
(3) Over the Yarkon I saw Mr. Lapwing (but more probably Mrs. Lapwing) was still sitting there like she didn't move since last week in a brooding pose. Could it be that she has an egg under there?
(4) When I wanted to put my camera back in my backpack a Pied Kingfisher flew supersonically fast from under the bridge up the river. The photo isn't all that good but I like it the way it is.
(5) A car parked under a tree looked like he just had a flowershower so that's enough reason for me to photograph it as well.
(6) When I got to Fairytaletree I noticed someone had cut into two one of the fruits that had fallen off the tree. The photo shows exactly how they look like inside and when I smelled on it I noticed they have a faint mellon smell, very 'fruity'. This particular one was about 25 cm long...
(7) And, of course, I can't do without a photo of Fairytaletree's blooms. So here it is a-g-a-i-n! :D :D
(8) A sideways parked mini-car drew my attention and I thought it so 'cute' that I made a photo of it.
(9) The yearly (so it seems) triathlon was being held again at the Nemaal. Last year I enjoyed it and made quite some photos but this year I found it a nuisance. I couldn't walk the path I always walk near the pond and that angered me a bit.
(10) I found a dead little fish on the wavebreaker and though two fishermen whom I know made jokes of it I decided to try to give it to Ms. Cat because in that way the fish wouldn't have died for nothing. But.... Ms. Cat started playing with it. Probably it had been in the sun for too long already. Must again say that I thoroughly enjoy our moments together. She is definitely THE cat I like most. She's such a character! And, it seems like she understands what I am talking to her about as well. Gorgeous little creature...
(11) Then, there's a photo of a spider's web woven in a Jasmine shrub near the beach - but the photo didn't turn out like I would have want to -
(12) and a photo of a photo that's one of many photos the Tel-Aviv municipality has put up through town in honor of its 100 year existence. This photo shows the beach in past times.
In the sherut back home people were talking about the fare (they charge 70% on top of the usual fare because it's Shabbat) and that evolved into talking about jews and how they all were not 'straight' but.... nobody can blame them because in this country people cannot survive if they don't make use of 'combinot' :D :D I didn't participate in the 'discussion' but noticed a huge smile on my face when I accidently saw myself in a mirror :D
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