Walked under a lemon tree:
Saw many beautiful flowers on my way (as usual really) and this tiny, little thing that has red berries from which purple flowers bloom:
This colorful sweetie stuck its beautiful head out of the 'green' and other more subdued colors surrounding him:
Stood under Fairytaletree and looked up and saw this:
At Nordau Blvd. a few leaves on one of the many, many magnificent trees were lighted by what seems like a stray ray of the sun in a place where there was only shadow (because of the trees):
The little kitty I was so worried about last year (as can be read on this blog) had once again placed herself in the middle of the boardwalk and now for me her name is 'middle of the road cat':
Look at how Ms. Cat is lovingly looking at me :-* Yes, dear, I love you too. I did scold at a boy who came down the stairs and stirred her with his fishing rod. His dad was there too and I think they 'got the message'.
While standing on the mezah with only one fisherman there we saw a fish diver approach and we (the fishermen on the boardwalk descended to watch the catch) all admired his catch. They are all "Zipora's" and two (the brown ones) Locus.
When walking back this little creature (a wasp) sat on my chest (on my shirt) and instinctively I shoved him away - he fell down and never got back up. Very strange because he did move around. I felt sorry for him. But, what could I do? If I'd try to pick him up he would have stung me..
Back home I discovered a tiger in our garden :D
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