The early morning was f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s !! Not warm, not too cold. Simply perfect, nice crisp weather with the sun trying to get through the thick layer of clouds that were still covering the dark of the night (and it seemed it had rained last night as well). It was sooooo refreshing- it lifted my spirits sky-high and the walk was so light, so utterly enjoyable....
Another bulb had fallen off my fairytaletree and while standing under it, (the tree I mean) with a sleepy red cat keeping me company, I suddenly thought that those things can easily land on my head one time. That would knock me totally out, they are massive and quite heavy and certainly if they fall from some height. It isn't enough to keep me away from standing under that tree though, hahahhaha that tree has a magic spell on me ;-)
Yesterday I was wearing boots to the mezah which I didn't want to get wet (seawater on leather gives white stains) but I did tease the sea by creeping up the mezah further and further and sort of challenging him - He was so good though: not one drop of water landed on the boots [mentioning this so I will also remember other things that happened y'day].
Today, the sea was restless. Groaning a lot, playing up waves in a different fashion than the 'angry mood' one. But, still waves.... It was gorgeous standing on my mezah and see him swell up - as if threatening - and break right in front of me while having his water splashes climb up more than 2 - 3 meters high sometimes.
It was a strange day though weatherwise. It was all sunny and bliss and then huge dark clouds turned up over our heads and made the sea and the skies look ominous - Rain even started to fall. All three drops of it :p
On the boardwalk near the pond I saw an insect that I suspect is a "dragonfly" lying on the floor where people could easily step on him. So, I picked him up with a small stick and moved him to an area people cannot thread on him. I don't think he will make it though, since he is not able to fly anymore. Poor thing. His wings were like the most delicate 'fabric' existing and were so beautifully looking when reflecting the rays of the sun on them...
Afterwards H. and me met and we had a good time, as always - though she was exhausted :D I never have heard H. complain before now but wow, she sure made up for that today :D
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