As I was walking something making clicking sounds dived past my head and landed in front of my walking feet. I took a photo of it as well (photo 3) since I have no idea what this is. A cricket perhaps?
I can't even begin to describe the sea. There are just no words for it. He was just gorgeous: totally wild. I eyed a Shag (Sea Cormorant) landing on the waves and diving under only to totally disappear *_* I kept looking but he was 'gone'. Later I spotted him again swimming on the waves much further away from where he dove under. I read they can dive up to 45 meters under water... wow.... (photos 4, 5 & 6).
I always step aside to let people coming from the opposite direction pass me when walking - I am fed-up with that. Next time if people just keep on walking and rely on me stepping aside I just won't. If they want to 'bump', so be it: we will bump. And how, grrrrrrr!
the first flower is a bottle brush - a native australian species..
Thank you!!!!
ur welcome
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