Today I took some time to stand under my Fairytaletree. It is not an easy package I am carrying on my shoulders the last few years and it is about to finally become clear where I am heading soon and standing under that tree makes me dream away into FairytaleLand for a while, and forget... Gorgeous tiny birds that look like sparrows but have a longer tail were playing along with me and carried me away, talking to me in their exquisite 'language'. I wish I could have stand there for much longer and wouldn't have to "return" back to reality.... :-(
There was a big bird that looked (and I think it was) like a Kingfisher. Only it didn't have the speckles and also, it was waaaayyy bigger than the Kingfishers I know near the waterside. It was sitting on a tree in a garden in downtown Tel-Aviv so rather an unusual place for a Kingfisher... (photo 1 & 2).
The sea was like a lake, so quiet and calm. Of course the fishermen complained as usual. No fish without waves :p Hahahah... and if the sea is too rough they complain as well for it being too rough, so the best thing to do is to ask about "yesterday", because 'yesterday' everybody always had a nice catch to take home with them - one way or another, LOL.
Nothing much happened during my stay at the mezah and it was all very tranquille and peaceful - I think the mood of the sea has an influence on people. Going back it suddenly struck me there was more than normal activity going on at the sea: sailing boats were all over.... (photo 3)
Twice today I had a near collision with a butterfly :p The first butterfly let me photograph him (photo 4) - this being the first time, after many tries, that I actually succeeded in taking a 'normal' photo of a butterfly. The second butterfly I took photos of as well but he went into a deep sleep after the near-collision with me - and I think he was just exhausted and that influenced his navigating. Anyway he slept with his wings closed so the photo isn't that nice as that from the 1st butterfly.
The folkdancing on the beach that's being held every Saturday there lifted my spirits even more on my way back. The music, the dancing people, the smiles.... It is just too contagious, one cannot but be touched by it. (photo 5)
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