I did practically force him into at least walking to the Shiva Tahanot with me today and that was nice. The photo of the preening and the big fat duck are from there (but it is forbidden to shoot photos on Shabbat for the religious so I felt rather weary of doing so) and the photo last is of a scooter I think is the cutest scooter I've ever seen (and it's parked in the driveway of this building I'm living in every day).
As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don't know We don't know. ~D. Rumsfeld
Saturday, March 13, 2010
No Inspiration
Enjoying the presence of my son of course. But I have no inspiration to write anything this week. Also didn't go to the sea (and I regard this as having missed a very important meeting) but, wanted to stay with son as much as possible (given that during the week I am not here while working full days lately).
I did practically force him into at least walking to the Shiva Tahanot with me today and that was nice. The photo of the preening and the big fat duck are from there (but it is forbidden to shoot photos on Shabbat for the religious so I felt rather weary of doing so) and the photo last is of a scooter I think is the cutest scooter I've ever seen (and it's parked in the driveway of this building I'm living in every day).

I did practically force him into at least walking to the Shiva Tahanot with me today and that was nice. The photo of the preening and the big fat duck are from there (but it is forbidden to shoot photos on Shabbat for the religious so I felt rather weary of doing so) and the photo last is of a scooter I think is the cutest scooter I've ever seen (and it's parked in the driveway of this building I'm living in every day).
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