I am the happiest person on the face of the earth at this moment. Cannot understand how one can go from feeling so sad into feeling so complete again... But, I am thrilled and feel happy down to my guts that this happened.
And so... except for wishing this flu or cold, or whatever it is that is attacking me and is at this stage the only obstacle having me stay away from my granddaughter, will pass soon, I haven't been doing very much this week (except of course for working, blahhh) - This Friday, while having to 'de-hametz' the apartment I live in for Pesach that's coming up this Monday, I thought I'll get me a cough syrup. I have been -at one time- addicted to this cough syrup but thought I would take the chance anyway because it is an excellent medicine that really helps. The lady selling me the med in the pharmacy warned me about this coughing syrup. "It's very strong" - well little does she know that without the codeine they took out of it it isn't having the same effect anymore as it did before. But.... this friendly lady gave me lots of advice about grandma's meds that would help me get better (in order to see my granddaughter) - One of these tips was eating chicken soup, garlic and onion. So, I did the impossible and cooked for myself an impossible soup :D Just cut up the onions, the (10 or so) garlics and with 2 chicken legs let it simmer for hours... To be honest: it was quite tasty. However... after having eaten nothing but this chicken soup now for 2 days in a row I'm quite disgusted with it. Still: IT HELPED!!! Not yet feeling a 100% but at least returning to feeling human again.
And so... this morning... got up quite early (due to the moving of the clock to summer time) - and got into a conversation on skype with someone who made me realize I shouldn't stay home today - though this is what I intended to do since it was raining and I feared obstructing the progress in my getting healthy quickly again.
An overview in photos:
This is what I saw when I opened the shutters this morning while day light hadn't landed here yet. An electricity line that seemed to have been decorated with gorgeous little lights, only....... those were raindrops!
"The" raindrop stayed pretty much the subject that accompanied me on my route to the Nemaal this day. See the following photos and dare to protest that they aren't little mood lifters...
Everywhere they were around like magnetizing brittle shining diamonds.... My eyes couldn't get enough of them.
This perfect contrast looking weed (or whatever it is) - also caught my attention because of its beauty. Especially against the backsetting...
When I got to the 'zoo' (animal prison if you ask me, but OK.. don't wanna sound too negative) - I saw two birds showing off their tails to each other. I wonder what those birds are? Here are 2 photos of them:
Because the peacock is supposed to be the one getting all attention because of his (beautiful) feathers I also made a photo of him, so he wouldn't feel jealous :D
At the Nemaal things were rather grey. Somehow I had expected the sea to put up a special performance because of the major change I experienced last week but... no :(
He was grey-ish and the skies were as well. Too rough to sit at the end of my mezah (for weeks on row already now) and too docile to enjoy a great show ... Also didn't meet Ms.Cat
Other things that happened to me today are that a biker (cyclist) cursed me (or, rather my mother - a 'famous' Israeli curse) because I was walking on the biker's side of the path in the park. But blow him!! I like that side of the path better so he can just stuff it.
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