As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don't know We don't know. ~D. Rumsfeld

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Klaas and the Nemaal....

This morning I woke up and found literally tens of dead ticks on the floor next to where my Klaas's sleeping quarters is. That's still not enough tho :( Later on I found huge, grey ticks -that exploded with huge amounts of -my Klaas's- blood when I killed them- I am still holding him on a line within the home. I feel bad about that. But I need to do that. I want him to come back 'home' (his new home) - after having had treatment professionally - and not be attacked with those creeps ever again.

And so.....................

This morning -for the very first time- I set off on my very personal 'route' to the Nemaal with my new friend. He was so gorgeous. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. That's where the "beach report" of today turns sour... I had only eyes for him...

But still, here's an account of the things that caught not only my attention but also my heart and sense of humor this day:

First of all (though happening later in this day) is the clip of the folk-dancers on Tel-Aviv's beach front:

Do they lighten up my day? Yes. Most certainly so... and so ever since I walked this route and 'met' them, (beginning 2008)
It's a different (for me much higher) level of enjoyment when standing there, hearing that
music and seeing so much people enjoy from it that they dance to its tunes...

These are the Police On Skates.... Yes, wouldn't you believe it? Perhaps it exists already but I was sooooo amused by it....
Police on skates. Just imagine them chasing a suspect after a robbery......

Ms. Cat had a bad foot. :( I am so sad because I honestly don't know the medical implications but know that an infection can, if not treated, lead to a fatal consequence. Ms. Cat herself, btw, seemed quite the regular. However I noticed a 'sign of complaint' when she approached ( to give her juicy food) me. I wish I would know what to do :(
She's in some sort of crazy way 'my' cat - so I do feel responsibility for her health...

"A" flower. One of the many I don't know their name of but catch my heart with their beauty. Sending me, even if it were for only one or a few seconds, to Paradise - because I believe Paradise consists of beauty... Like this:

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