is what some guy on a bicycle hummed when being near the animal cage (locked up animals give me a sense of fright) on route via the Park to the Nemaal. I think he must have been referring to the pigeons that were abundantly present there? Anyway that song stuck in my head from that point onwards. You can click here to listen to it on youtube.
Before that I took some photos I failed to take yesterday because of the confusion trying to figure out where I was heading. This is taken in the park still on Ramat Gan territory, I think (4 photos):
(This per request of some of my friends, readers here - and you know who I mean)
The park was much more busy today. The sun was out and shining. My bermuda pants and short sleeved T-shirt were enough for this temperature. This would change later though... (and then, after being home already, change back again).
I met 'old friends' during my walk through the park. One of them, the husband, I have seen and spoken with sporadically during my walks via the 'street route' but his wife I have never seen anymore since -I think_ some 20 years orso? She looked good. They're part of a finished cycle... Once they were not, they were in my 'today's' experience. Funny how life goes...
This tree seems to have grown in the water. I'm sure it's not the case. The Yarkon is 'flooded' perhaps and that's why it seems to be 'floating' on the water... Still remarkable. I remember some years ago I went on a bus-trip with my daughter and we were also visiting the Kineret. It was after an especially flourishing winter and the trees there also seemed to have grown inside the water. Funny how a sight of a single element can bring you back to (happier) days gone by :-(
At the animal prison right in the middle of the route (where I met the Champs Elysees singer) an Ostrich caught my attention because he seemed to tell me "look at my feathers! aren't they absolutely beautiful?" and so I did (pay attention and took a photo of them)
Gorgeous creature!!
The following photo I place here solely because I think this view was so exquisite to my eyes (and soul). So I want to share it...
My name in Dutch has a meaning. This is it (though I prefer the one I read lately saying it means 'daughter of the sea; )
Klaas never minds being tied near the supermarket, or any other place I need to go into - but when I tied him near the public toilets in the park he started crying and never stopped. I wonder what this could mean? Did he recognize the place? Or what? So many mysteries surrounding his past but one thing is for sure: we are sincerely bonded by now. Two lonely souls....
When I reached the Nemaal I found the sea being even more wild and looking more brown than yesterday. The following are photos of that:
Many people were taking photos of him. I felt he has become 'public domain' (which he has always been of course ... but not in my feelings) - This photo shows how I think of other people trying to have a relationship with him:
Blunt, impersonal people. The sea is 'mine'. Damned.
This is 'him' from somewhere between the old bridge and my mezah. Stormy, wild, angry... mysterious.
I noticed the seagulls in the skies and was mesmerized by them. Against those skies they look like bright stars with wings:
Oh and.. if you are ever around that place advertising their own orange juice: don't buy mineral water from him. Tho the salesman is an extremely lovely person, the price is 10 shekels - which is about half more than is usually paid for this. You should have seen the look on this guys face when I poured the water into a cup and let Klaas drink it :D
The following is a series of the 'wild seas' today. Sooooooo impressive. It catch you and sweeps you away from everyday life and takes you with it...
One more photo I need to place here and that's of my mezah - who totally disappeared today under the thunder of my roaring sea:
Another week of sporadically looking at the sea from very far away and high up is approaching. Life's no peach...
As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don't know We don't know. ~D. Rumsfeld
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Always the last to be told, am I....
Well, yes. Who knew I could walk from my home to the Nemaal through a park (instead of through streets and roads).
It was sombre weather today. Weather predictions said it would keep on raining. So ... I took Klaas and set out to do some shopping for the necessary edibles. Only.... while being outside for less than two minutes I changed my plan and decided to walk through that park or at least try (because I am the most disoriented person alive and was sure I would get lost).
Heavy rain grabbed us practically almost before we even entered the park. It didn't deter me (though I am not so sure about Klaas who, since we both got soaking wet yesterday evening - also something I thoroughly enjoyed- was doubtful about leaving the apartment this morning in the first place). Klaas doesn't like to get wet, I do :D
It was great!! Especially the part of the park that still lies in Ramat-Gan territory. It's less cultivated there and gives the impression of being more natural. More 'wild'. On my way I saw perhaps 3 people and that was lovely. Because that way I feel much more connected with my surroundings than when many people would be there.
We walked through sunshine, stormy winds, rain and some hail storms and spent 6 hours walking solidly. D-i-v-i-n-e!!!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Life's A Beach :D
Well, on Shabbaths that is. The rest of the week I can just peep in on the sea from very far away from the 18th floor of the building I'm working in :D
What??? Only Florida?? Who do they think they are??
Went to a brita yesterday and it was quite formal but also rather nice. I thoroughly enjoyed the baby. I so much enjoyed holding her. The beauty of innocence is breathtaking. So overpowering. Luckily enough they let me hold her for a long time. Pretty little princess.... (and all the while I couldn't keep my mind of thinking I wish I was holding my grandchild. because that's a real possibility... seen that my daughter married 9 months ago). Every time I get on a bus I look around hoping to see a woman with a headscarf on who's my daughter. I don't know what I will do if one time I will really see her. It's so hard because I don't want to be rejected again in my face by one of the two people whom I love without a doubt, without conditions....
This Jasmine:
who laid scattered over the pavement
gave me some magical minutes. I can't help but sensing myself in an Arabic Fairytale when inhaling its scent. I imagine myself surrounded by handsome men in long white robes while I am hovering above them on a flying carpet or something like that :D
I played with the Palestine Sunbirds... they flew around me and waited until I focussed in on them and then quickly flew away. I hid behind the hedges surrounding the tree they were flying around on. I snapped some 'empty' shots because they are way more sophisticated than I am and much faster as well.... But then.... one of them decided to have mercy on me and came to sit on the bark of the tree right next to me. Soooo close to me. She must have been knowing what she was doing because their instincts don't let them come this close ever:
The Rose hedges on Pinkas are blooming again. There have been times I passed there and thought they must have given up but.... Isn't it beautiful?
The Comrons (Shags) are heading North again. Winter is over that means. Or.... perhaps they didn't hear about el-Ninjo? :D
Of course my companion Klaas was with me all of the way... I took him up the big mezah and down to my mezah as well. I can't say he was thrilled about it, but.. he'll get used. He'll have to because I just can't get this 'bug' out of my head (heart). The bug that is the role the sea plays in my life ;-)
While sitting at the big mezah it was good to see some former friends (fishermen of last year) again. They came to me and we talked some. And one lingered a bit and talked about it being not fair 'authorities' closed the Tel-Aviv marina, the Reading area, the Ashdod marina and some more places for fishermen to go fishing. And then he said something that really caught my attention: "with what right do they close the sea for us?" - And so I am going to start a facebook group. Because I am also boiling with anger about how 'authorities' dare to take the liberty of keeping people from a place that belongs TO EVERYBODY and not to any authority. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
passionate skies
On my way home from work I suddenly noticed a burning glow started to engulf me. When I turned around I found the skies ablaze... so far high up and yet so intensely close to me, all around me. I can't describe the feeling that got hold of me. There are no words for that. I felt one with all that was nature around me and warmed by the ferocity of what the skies 'said' without words....
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Inner- and outer beauty
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes, a few (or many) people that are having the same taste leads them to believe that there is a common ground rule for beauty. But... there is NOT. Not for inner beauty, and not for outer beauty. In fact, that's what makes life so colorful and interesting (amongst other things).
I don't want to sound as if I 'know it all', because I absolutely know NOTHING, nothing AT ALL. However when it concerns the matter of beauty I think I have a little experience due to the fact that I have watched people who thought they found 'beauty' (as in commonly acceptable - which is, in itself, also something someone must watch out for because media and other indoctrinating sources can be of influence there) but were deterred after some exploration in this beauty they found.
We seek perfectionism. All must fit. Inner- and outer beauty. (In our eyes). That is -I think- also the reason so many Tel-Avivians found dogs to be their (temporary) perfect 'partner'. Submissive and totally in fashion - at this present time. Lucky dogs.... (Or, are they?).
Personally, in this period of time, I am struggling between my feelings and my common sense. My conscience. A complicated matter has presented itself to me. I hope I can stay true to myself and finally look back to think I did the right thing. And yes... strangely enough it has a lot to do with 'beauty' (and the thought of the lack of it and all frustrations resulting from that). But beauty IMO also lies in not giving up on yourself even when times get tough (emotionally speaking).
This is a mysterious post for all of you who read here and have no clue what I'm talking about now... But the things I wrote are very general. I just wish I didn't feel such nausea when I hear the word 'general'.
Todays diary....
This clip was made actually at the end of my route when already on my way home.... It is the American Acoustic Guitar Player who drove me to the rim of ecstasy last Shabbat when playing "Whiter Shades of Pale" and watching out over the beach and sea. Today he played Mustang Sally when I arrived. It had a different effect on me - but nonetheless took my soul off the ground and lifted me to places there are no words for to describe:
At the beginning of the route, down at 'good old' Abba Hillel I saw a rather huge fly washing its arms and face while sitting on a leaf in the sun. I think I have intruded on him because the moment my camera was close into his face he stopped his activities and, if I wouldn't know better, I thought he 'watched me'. It's a strange feeling to be watched by a fly :D
I then noticed, at the bridge separating Ramat-Gan from Tel-Aviv, there were buds of flowers on the trees who seemed so eager to burst into bloom.... As if saying "we can't wait for spring, please hurry up". Their passionate red color just enhances that feeling:
Later on, while already having passed the border between Ramat Gan and Tel-Aviv, I wondered about nature having this tree padding itself up with delicate 'branches' around its original branches. Why? What is this good for? Or is it just without meaning?
After the walk to the Nemaal - I found that it was impossible to sit at 'my mezah' due to the waves constantly throwing its water over it (and also I found out Klaas doesn't like being in water). So.... I did something I wouldn't usually do and sat down on the "mole" hill overlooking the sea - (it's too far away from the sea to have had that special 'touch' with him I like so much). Klaas was obviously transmitting me messages .. like: "hey, can't you see I'm tired?"
As we passed "Dog Beach" on our way back to the Sherut - I saw a dog with a life jacket on. It's like jumping through all these little dull grey cells in my brain and standing out: this is so weird (dogs are supposed to be excellent swimmers, whether they like to be in the water or not). I never got round to asking his 'owner' what's the deal - but a photo I took. Obviously....
And that's it. Klaas, Pinkie and me are 'fine'. Though Klaas is playing the rebellion concerning food. I think he came from a real spoiling home before he hit the streets. He expects me to serve him caviar or something? In any case: he doesn't eat his (specially bought and very expensive, I think) dry dog food. I feel I'm failing him because he remains so thin..... Is this what they call a 'hunger strike' ?
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Klaas and the Nemaal....
This morning I woke up and found literally tens of dead ticks on the floor next to where my Klaas's sleeping quarters is. That's still not enough tho :( Later on I found huge, grey ticks -that exploded with huge amounts of -my Klaas's- blood when I killed them- I am still holding him on a line within the home. I feel bad about that. But I need to do that. I want him to come back 'home' (his new home) - after having had treatment professionally - and not be attacked with those creeps ever again.
And so.....................
This morning -for the very first time- I set off on my very personal 'route' to the Nemaal with my new friend. He was so gorgeous. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. That's where the "beach report" of today turns sour... I had only eyes for him...
But still, here's an account of the things that caught not only my attention but also my heart and sense of humor this day:
First of all (though happening later in this day) is the clip of the folk-dancers on Tel-Aviv's beach front:
Do they lighten up my day? Yes. Most certainly so... and so ever since I walked this route and 'met' them, (beginning 2008)
It's a different (for me much higher) level of enjoyment when standing there, hearing that
music and seeing so much people enjoy from it that they dance to its tunes...
These are the Police On Skates.... Yes, wouldn't you believe it? Perhaps it exists already but I was sooooo amused by it....
Police on skates. Just imagine them chasing a suspect after a robbery......
Ms. Cat had a bad foot. :( I am so sad because I honestly don't know the medical implications but know that an infection can, if not treated, lead to a fatal consequence. Ms. Cat herself, btw, seemed quite the regular. However I noticed a 'sign of complaint' when she approached ( to give her juicy food) me. I wish I would know what to do :(
She's in some sort of crazy way 'my' cat - so I do feel responsibility for her health...
"A" flower. One of the many I don't know their name of but catch my heart with their beauty. Sending me, even if it were for only one or a few seconds, to Paradise - because I believe Paradise consists of beauty... Like this:
Friday, February 5, 2010
This is Klaas. He's my new friend and companion. Hana and me picked him up from the dog compound this morning and soon as he is totally tick-free he will be roaming around this part of the apartment. Klaas smelled horribly (like all the other dogs in the compound where they are doing their needs in the (not too small) cages they also spend their whole day in except for some walks during the day). We just had our first bath... It was a disaster, hahahahaha!!! He's just as afraid of water as was my terrier Doobey. Must be in their genes... Klaas is around 5 years old they say but he's already growing grey hair - also one of his eyes has a problem. But he's very sweet, and that's what counts!!
Welcome home Klaas. I hope I can offer you a pleasant life...
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