Before that I took some photos I failed to take yesterday because of the confusion trying to figure out where I was heading. This is taken in the park still on Ramat Gan territory, I think (4 photos):
(This per request of some of my friends, readers here - and you know who I mean)
The park was much more busy today. The sun was out and shining. My bermuda pants and short sleeved T-shirt were enough for this temperature. This would change later though... (and then, after being home already, change back again).
I met 'old friends' during my walk through the park. One of them, the husband, I have seen and spoken with sporadically during my walks via the 'street route' but his wife I have never seen anymore since -I think_ some 20 years orso? She looked good. They're part of a finished cycle... Once they were not, they were in my 'today's' experience. Funny how life goes...
This tree seems to have grown in the water. I'm sure it's not the case. The Yarkon is 'flooded' perhaps and that's why it seems to be 'floating' on the water... Still remarkable. I remember some years ago I went on a bus-trip with my daughter and we were also visiting the Kineret. It was after an especially flourishing winter and the trees there also seemed to have grown inside the water. Funny how a sight of a single element can bring you back to (happier) days gone by :-(
At the animal prison right in the middle of the route (where I met the Champs Elysees singer) an Ostrich caught my attention because he seemed to tell me "look at my feathers! aren't they absolutely beautiful?" and so I did (pay attention and took a photo of them)
Gorgeous creature!!
The following photo I place here solely because I think this view was so exquisite to my eyes (and soul). So I want to share it...
My name in Dutch has a meaning. This is it (though I prefer the one I read lately saying it means 'daughter of the sea; )
Klaas never minds being tied near the supermarket, or any other place I need to go into - but when I tied him near the public toilets in the park he started crying and never stopped. I wonder what this could mean? Did he recognize the place? Or what? So many mysteries surrounding his past but one thing is for sure: we are sincerely bonded by now. Two lonely souls....
When I reached the Nemaal I found the sea being even more wild and looking more brown than yesterday. The following are photos of that:
Many people were taking photos of him. I felt he has become 'public domain' (which he has always been of course ... but not in my feelings) - This photo shows how I think of other people trying to have a relationship with him:
Blunt, impersonal people. The sea is 'mine'. Damned.
This is 'him' from somewhere between the old bridge and my mezah. Stormy, wild, angry... mysterious.
I noticed the seagulls in the skies and was mesmerized by them. Against those skies they look like bright stars with wings:
Oh and.. if you are ever around that place advertising their own orange juice: don't buy mineral water from him. Tho the salesman is an extremely lovely person, the price is 10 shekels - which is about half more than is usually paid for this. You should have seen the look on this guys face when I poured the water into a cup and let Klaas drink it :D
The following is a series of the 'wild seas' today. Sooooooo impressive. It catch you and sweeps you away from everyday life and takes you with it...
One more photo I need to place here and that's of my mezah - who totally disappeared today under the thunder of my roaring sea:
Another week of sporadically looking at the sea from very far away and high up is approaching. Life's no peach...