My God! Whereas I have to pass by on Your beauties without having the time it deserves to enjoy from them 5 days a week - I am at least happy there are 'holidays' and Shabbaths. I step out of this apartment building and find myself in a world totally different from the one I am meeting when walking to work during the week. This is not due to the environment suddenly changing but to my state of mind: I feel I can be really 'me'. Not having to fulfill anyone's expectations about me, but instead just absorbing the wonderful world of the 'outdoors' You have given 'us':
ואין לי זמן, אני רוצה ללכת לים
סתם כי בא לי לשכב על החול החם
לא לחשוב יותר מדי להביט בציפורים אולי
זה קצת גדול עלי, חיים מסודרים מדי
Here goes:
A bird was flying dangerously close over my over my head soon as I headed out of the side streets leading to the main way up to my 'path'. I photographed him - but was disappointed to find that the photo turned out vague and blurred. However -in order to keep this memory- I'm going to place it anyways. Photo #1..... He sat still for as long a time it takes to make a photo of him. As if to say "OK, you have my permission" :D
Then, when crossing the Yarkon bridge, I suddenly saw what was that little 'hubble' around a duck. It turned out it was a Mommah Duck with her offspring. Sooooooooo cute ;) New life being very closely watched by "mom", the way it should be... Photo 2.
I entered the "lane" near Nordau and was impressed by the muscles one of the fattest trees I've ever seen was showing. Photo 3. I hope the photo will show what I mean. Such a macho!!
"The" Frangipani tree (of which I showed its poor condition in a former post) was trying to start to bloom again. There were a few flowers on it and LOADS of buds. When I photographed one trench with buds on it I saw a wasp was trying to find food on it while his wings were transparent and glowing in the early morning sunshine... Photo 4. And, photo 5 shows a Frangipani on the other side of the tree that's in the shade.
Near Rabbit Hill I felt touched by the trenches and its 'fur' of a bush of which you could simply know that he was enjoying his time in the sun: photo 6....
And, so I finally reached the Nemaal. I had a nice talk with the fisherWoman and went on to have a quick ice-coffee. When the anglers at my mezah told me my cell phone was ringing (I never hear the damn thing) I started to make my way home and took my (empty) cup and filled it with water (at Aroma at the Beach) for Ms. Cat after having spent some very glorious time at the mezah - since when I saw her before coming there she seemed thirsty.
Ms. Cat is in photo 7. The most beautiful cat in the whole wide world. Her facial expression is such that it shows a whole lot of wisdom and to tell the truth ... who am I to doubt that. She might know the secrets of life a lot better than I do since... I don't know any of them. As a matter of fact the older I become the more I am convinced I don't know anything.
Further there are photos of a brightly colored bug who crossed my path near religious beach. Of the incredibly sensual smelling Jasmine bush near the beach, of a butterfly that kept on foll0wing me on the way home but I did get a poor photo of, of a set of table-'legs' I have recognized all through last year and this but only now did I lay the connection: they're the antique upholders of old-fashioned sewing machines (Singers) and are being used to uphold the tables of the restaurant that is selling non-kosher seafood at the Nemaal of TA and of a pigeon overlooking the sea and of an old house in "ha kovshim" street near to where there once was a youth hostel that I still remember being 'active'.
B'Ezrat'Ha'Shem I will be on my way again tomorrow. It's my 'release' and 'let go' after being locked up in an office all week so I am thoroughly enjoying the outdoors...
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