A Wren who had been arguing loudly in the morning quietness with another Wren -who flew off soon as he saw me- not yet noticing I am pointing the camera at him. Soon as he noticed he too flew off of course:
Kishkashta (an Israeli children program from way back - click here if you'd like to know what I'm talking about) - stood there in a garden I've walked past perhaps thousands of times but still never noticed. Just shows that repetition doesn't necessarily means you see everything every time.
Near Kishkashta I saw a Blackbird. I don't see those too often so ... yes: a photo:
I would not have thought these were Jasmines but the smell is exactly the same and so I decided they are Jasmines:
A bush who seemingly carries different kinds of flowers (most definitely different colors):
And, what is this little bird (smaller than the palm of your hand) ? I see him a lot and he's most evasive. Seems like they can smell me from over 50 meters or so and 'run'. This time I zoomed in a lot way above my head. And still..... he looked down and took off:
"We're just standing here, being beautiful and serene and smelling like chocolate" - look:
Hey little laborer!! Why don't you make a noise when you're crossing my path? I could step right on you and all your hard work would have been for nothing :(
A request from the Tel-Aviv municipality:
And then... a request TO THE TEL-AVIV MUNICIPALITY (please, everyone reading this blog - please, please sign the petition or show your support in any other way possible - I have just had it with the "dump" attitude of those burocracy-dictators. These are trees who BELONG in Tel-Aviv - they were there long before those sleeky people who are only after money were even born. How DARE THEY??
And so I arrived at the Nemaal and was so happy to see they had cleared away the horrible polluting waste that was thrown in the pond. The compensation came immediately in the form of literally hundreds of fish swarming the pond. Here are just a few of them:
and some tiny little ones whose silvery color was shining through the surface like diamonds :-)
If you're thirstly and have no money you never need to worry at the Nemaal. There is always some 'good soul' who has left his drink for you the night before:
Today I had a 'thing' with Mr. Egret :P He was mostly showing me his... well... his behind :P Most of the time I was alone at my mezah but from time to time people came on it and he would take off. In the end I found he started to come closer and closer to me - as if I could chase those people away who were disturbing him to hunt for fish....
There probably always are stars on the water when the sun is shining but sometimes those stars make a special effort to be noticed (and provide me with a portion of sheer bliss):
What I wonder is what a sewage pipe so close near the sea (tens of meters away from it only) is necessary for? Is it for dumping sewage to the sea?? If so, did Israel ever hear of the 1976 Barcelona Convention??? They better watch out because if they go on like that I feel I really would like take them to international court:
This, btw, is the poo a police horse left behind him on a very populated beach along the Tayelet:
And here are the police on horse responsible for that (not cleaning it up):
Israeli police anyway has their noses too much up in the air. They act as if this country in only theirs and they can do whatever they like.
The last picture made me feel a little bit weird. I was looking into the pond at the fish and noticed that some very strange 'tides' or 'streams' had formed around the shadow my body casted on the water. Judge for yourself:
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Wild Justice
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