When I left at 06:00 a.m. this morning I obviously had no idea I would end up at the police station....
I started out and because there was absolutely no activity at the Yarkon river I thought that a floating piece of wood in the shape of a hand, or perhaps it was a vinyl glove, was an object I should take a photo of. I have come to think of the Yarkon river as a bit of a sinister river since the gruesome finding of little Rose, the little girl that was murdered by her grandfather and hidden in its waters. For FUN I thought this hand-like whatever was a hint to something gruesome as well (a hand drifting in the waters). I proceeded to take photos of the terrific cloud formation behind the city's (Tel-Aviv) sky line. (photo 1).
As a child I used to make myself believe (and I usually got totally submerged into that imagination) that clouds like that were high mountains covered in snow - reflecting in the sun. This morning I relived those childhood imaginations again :-)
At Crab-rock, Ms.Cat was weary because two men were present there, but soon as they left she came up to me and was the sweetest ever. Never even tried to bite me so I could caress her without a worry. I think I am in love. Her little face has an expression of a certain adultness and I feel I cannot help but love her. This is very wrong for me - because I have had so many heartaches in the past - when cats I cared so much about were killed or suddenly disappeared. It left me always with depressing feelings. I don't want to go through that again. But - - - Ms.Cat makes me love her against my willing :-) (photo 2)
The sea was wild today and when I saw a chair (a real wooden chair, not the pink, plastic junk chairs they usually leave for the public and where I sit on) at the end of the mezah I thought I would never have the guts to go sit there. But hey baby!!!!!! I've come a long way. While initially sitting on top of my stairs I decided to stand a bit further up down the mezah. And ... a bit further and further and.... until I reached the chair and sat down on it feeling completely comfortable. (photo 3 is of my shadow sitting on that chair and photo 4 is of the sea swelling up closeby me at my level).
When a fisherman (I know they're called anglers but I prefer fishermen) came stand nearby me I was a little bit irritated because I had wanted some time 'alone' with the sea after the difficult week I just passed. But he is a very nice man, doesn't talk too much and.... a Ramat-Gan'ier like me, so we had some nice conversation from time to time (when the waves didn't drive him away from the far end of the mezah I was sitting at) and he let me take a photo of a Communist he caught (photo 5).
A HUGE seagull tried to land on my mezah some 1 meter away from me but a wave splashing over made him decide to forego on this idea. He flew on to the second mezah instead (no fishermen there since fish were 'slow' today they had given up) and soon afterwards another Seagull tried to join him on the roof of the little shack - however for some reason or another that only they understand that second Seagull took off again after some 3 seconds spent in the company of Seagull no. 1. (photo 6).
(The wingspan of the Seagull who tried to land near me, some one to one and a half meter away from me, left me very impressed though).
When walking away from the mezah over the boardwalk I noticed the Kingfisher sitting like 2 meters away from me on the rocks. (photo 7) - He had been around all the time but mostly in "fast forward position" - flying around in supersonic speed and most of the time you'd only know he is around by hearing his chilping 'song'. That's how fast he is.
While taking a photo of him (photo 8) - I noticed an immensely huge cockroach passing me right in front of my feet. As I let out a shriek the woman of an old couple that passed me looked at me ever so superiorly as if I were beneath any standard. Why is it that people are so sour when one expresses a fear that can't be controlled?
Anyway, I made it up to the other mezah (the big one) and afterwards was quite surprised I never even thought about feeling fearful (as explained in one of my other posts). I had a mission: capture the Seagull on camera from as close by as I could get. My presence did seem to chase him away from his resting place though. And perhaps this may sound foolish, but I felt guilty about that :-(
(photos 9 and 10).
And so, in the sherut home I looked at the photos I had taken this morning and discovered..................................................................................................................
that the wooden branch in the form of a hand or vinyl glove or whatever I thought it was, actually had fingernails on it. And, meat tissue *_*
For the second time today I felt in shock. I closed the camera quickly and didn't know what to do. After I had been home, uploaded the photos and thought about it, I went to the police.
I told them I am probably making a fool of myself - but. . . And then, they told me that indeed the photo I had taken over the Yarkon river was of a human hand that had been cut off. It is clearly visible on the lcd screen of the camera - but not on the uploaded photos. I will place one here anyway (photo 11) - just to remind me of this shocking experience. When the police took me to the Yarkon river with them - we saw that there was a rather fast stream of current and the hand wasn't there anymore.
I am still in shock.... :-(
Jeez, that's shocking :/ you never know what you might find in the Yarkon these days.
The Police didn't have any report on a missing hand or something? They just let it go as if it never happened?
The Yarkon river should be dried up and cleaned, at least some of it. It's absurd how when they searched for Rose, the Police only had a single toxic-resistant suit, so they relied on two divers - the other one was a volunteer, an ex-marine or something who had the right equipment for the job.
But I guess the Police have a lot of other things on their mind - the mafia in Netanya, the mobs in Bat Yam, Lod and Ramleh, the car theft in the Negev and well... traffic regulations enforcement.
ID, it was left as thinking it was a glove or something like that. They are terribly understaffed and it took ages to find someone willing to go out there to check it up. Eventhough all that saw the photo on the lcd-screen were convinced it was a hand.
I am not so sure anymore myself though. Perhaps it was and perhaps it wasn't, but those fingernails and meat-tissues of the little finger were sure very clear to see.
The Yarkon is a treasure :) Did you know there were turtles swimming around in it the size of a coffee-table? I never knew... But I do think it is polluted.
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