My camera is at the "doctor's" (camera repair shop). I thought this one would 'stick with me', after the Olympus let me down after only 3 years, but this morning he didn't want to open his eye (lens).I wanted to take a picture of a new (small) bird and a caterpillar and the camera simply refused - the lcd screen stayed black. The man in the shop that tries to fix it said it could either be something that can be easily fixed or something nothing can be done against.I feel let down :-(=============The sea was great this morning, even wilder than yesterday and he roared loudly. But I was missing my camera :-(
Yesterday I went to the Nemaal in the afternoon after a meeting and I must honestly say "it isn't the same thing". Mornings are way better. What was quite funny yesterday though is that there wasn't absolutely anybody around except for a few strays (well, they looked like strays). And, exactly on a day with nobody around (except for two lovely visitors, see photo) I let myself be chased away by someone who came to lay (yes: "lay") near me at my mezah's end. GRRRRR. When I walked past the pond yesterday I noticed dark 'clouds' in the water. That was strange because there were no clouds in the sky. After coming closer I noticed hundreds of thousands of little fish swimming around in large schools that were causing the 'cloud' effect. I never, ever saw so many fish together. So, I made a photo of it. Of course :DI was happy that I could get to the sea early in the morning again today. It is weird, but... last week when I was not as early as usual the fishermen told me they asked themselves where I was and had started to "worry" (is a manner of speaking), and today with no fishermen around near my mezah I had started to do the same thing. I wondered where they were until ... they showed up. Finally.But, before they did I was caught by surprise by a wave again. The sea was rough because it was very windy but I still marched right up until almost the end of the mezah and decided let myself get wet in a 'controled manner' (meaning not soaking wet) and that's what happened. Until I, before leaving the mezah to go home, checked up on the beautiful crab I had seen before near the stairs. In that moment, on my knees and with my back to the sea, he threw a wave over me that had me thoroughly soaked. Funny how I always worry about my camera not getting wet but this 'accident' had my cell phone drowned. It first said I had to change the sim card, then it started shaking and nothing helped until I took the battery out. After I had my sim card removed by my neighbor I put the whole schpiel under the blow-dryer at home and luckily now it is working again ...
"Kizer" has made it to Tel-Aviv.. I saw this grafity a lot in Jaffa (and finally found out what this is all about, rather sad story ... ) but not really in T.A. so, here it is (on the photo)
When I walked the boulevard I passed two men on those stupid corkinet things - on where you stand and it moves you. I think those things are very dumb (looking) and for lazybums...And then I saw 'them' :D The kytesurfers! They used to be all over last year and then they suddenly disappeared. I haven't seen even one kytesurfer all of this year and here they were .. today. I can say proudly that I found out myself the reason for this wondrous fact. It suddenly dawned upon me that kytesurfers need wind and wind ... well, we've had none of that here all summer long. (in one of the photos I photographed a lady photographing a kytesurfer - I felt rather smug doing that).

Today -after having eaten my Shakshuka sandwich and had my traditional Cappuccino- while sitting at a new spot on my mezah (above it actually, on the wall way up, behind the balustrade, legs dangling down) - I, undauntedly (:p) marched towards the end of the mezah and looked forward to some solitary time with the sea (which I got, there was absolutely NOBODY around - except 2 fishermen on the big mezah opposite). The sea was 'moderate', meaning that the waves gushed at the wall pretty forcefully but further outwards he looked calm with here and there some sheepwaves. And thus.... I thoroughly enjoyed sitting there. That much so, that I decided I'd lay myself down right there -head on backpack. From time to time some splashes of the waves hitting the mezah's end made me a little wet and one time even a naughty wave decided to climb up and cover the back of me totally in water, but that was about it. That's why I was totally unprepared when after I sat up again and lit a cigarette, a wave suddenly totally submerged me under his run. It must have been at least 2 meters high. So, there was I ... being reminded again not ever to 'rely' -on what or whatever. It is not that I didn't enjoy being caught by the wave and drenched completely and feel the energy it forced over me, it is just that I was surprised... and a little bit angry with myself for letting my guard go.On the other hand, not relying and believing and always being cautious or suspicious of what 'can' come or what people may do doesn't look so attractive to me either. As this wave proved - because he was totally bliss :DPhotos of:1. the mezah's end and the treachery 'calm' sea today :p2. a new apartment complex they're building on my way to the beach that makes me suffocate just looking at it (they look like rabit-cages - as many as possible people in an area as small as possible -and being cheated into thinking -and paying for- that's 'luxury')3. the best photo to date taken by me of a kingfisher (who was ALL around me today, would almost start to think he took a liking to me, LOL)4. a leftover of the wine-festival that was held in the evenings (not my time of day to walk around the nemaal if I judge it by the litter people leave) - 5. a snow-egret at the pond - showing he needs glasses :D 

All week long I have been waiting for this day. There have been so many pressures on me that I felt I just wanted to run to the sea and scream out on top of my voice. But - finally today came and this alone calmed me down already - and so:When I left at 06:00 a.m. this morning I obviously had no idea I would end up at the police station....
I started out and because there was absolutely no activity at the Yarkon river I thought that a floating piece of wood in the shape of a hand, or perhaps it was a vinyl glove, was an object I should take a photo of. I have come to think of the Yarkon river as a bit of a sinister river since the gruesome finding of little Rose, the little girl that was murdered by her grandfather and hidden in its waters. For FUN I thought this hand-like whatever was a hint to something gruesome as well (a hand drifting in the waters). I proceeded to take photos of the terrific cloud formation behind the city's (Tel-Aviv) sky line. (photo 1).As a child I used to make myself believe (and I usually got totally submerged into that imagination) that clouds like that were high mountains covered in snow - reflecting in the sun. This morning I relived those childhood imaginations again :-)At Crab-rock, Ms.Cat was weary because two men were present there, but soon as they left she came up to me and was the sweetest ever. Never even tried to bite me so I could caress her without a worry. I think I am in love. Her little face has an expression of a certain adultness and I feel I cannot help but love her. This is very wrong for me - because I have had so many heartaches in the past - when cats I cared so much about were killed or suddenly disappeared. It left me always with depressing feelings. I don't want to go through that again. But - - - Ms.Cat makes me love her against my willing :-) (photo 2)The sea was wild today and when I saw a chair (a real wooden chair, not the pink, plastic junk chairs they usually leave for the public and where I sit on) at the end of the mezah I thought I would never have the guts to go sit there. But hey baby!!!!!! I've come a long way. While initially sitting on top of my stairs I decided to stand a bit further up down the mezah. And ... a bit further and further and.... until I reached the chair and sat down on it feeling completely comfortable. (photo 3 is of my shadow sitting on that chair and photo 4 is of the sea swelling up closeby me at my level).When a fisherman (I know they're called anglers but I prefer fishermen) came stand nearby me I was a little bit irritated because I had wanted some time 'alone' with the sea after the difficult week I just passed. But he is a very nice man, doesn't talk too much and.... a Ramat-Gan'ier like me, so we had some nice conversation from time to time (when the waves didn't drive him away from the far end of the mezah I was sitting at) and he let me take a photo of a Communist he caught (photo 5).A HUGE seagull tried to land on my mezah some 1 meter away from me but a wave splashing over made him decide to forego on this idea. He flew on to the second mezah instead (no fishermen there since fish were 'slow' today they had given up) and soon afterwards another Seagull tried to join him on the roof of the little shack - however for some reason or another that only they understand that second Seagull took off again after some 3 seconds spent in the company of Seagull no. 1. (photo 6).(The wingspan of the Seagull who tried to land near me, some one to one and a half meter away from me, left me very impressed though).When walking away from the mezah over the boardwalk I noticed the Kingfisher sitting like 2 meters away from me on the rocks. (photo 7) - He had been around all the time but mostly in "fast forward position" - flying around in supersonic speed and most of the time you'd only know he is around by hearing his chilping 'song'. That's how fast he is.While taking a photo of him (photo 8) - I noticed an immensely huge cockroach passing me right in front of my feet. As I let out a shriek the woman of an old couple that passed me looked at me ever so superiorly as if I were beneath any standard. Why is it that people are so sour when one expresses a fear that can't be controlled? Anyway, I made it up to the other mezah (the big one) and afterwards was quite surprised I never even thought about feeling fearful (as explained in one of my other posts). I had a mission: capture the Seagull on camera from as close by as I could get. My presence did seem to chase him away from his resting place though. And perhaps this may sound foolish, but I felt guilty about that :-((photos 9 and 10).And so, in the sherut home I looked at the photos I had taken this morning and discovered..................................................................................................................that the wooden branch in the form of a hand or vinyl glove or whatever I thought it was, actually had fingernails on it. And, meat tissue *_*For the second time today I felt in shock. I closed the camera quickly and didn't know what to do. After I had been home, uploaded the photos and thought about it, I went to the police. I told them I am probably making a fool of myself - but. . . And then, they told me that indeed the photo I had taken over the Yarkon river was of a human hand that had been cut off. It is clearly visible on the lcd screen of the camera - but not on the uploaded photos. I will place one here anyway (photo 11) - just to remind me of this shocking experience. When the police took me to the Yarkon river with them - we saw that there was a rather fast stream of current and the hand wasn't there anymore.I am still in shock.... :-(

Left early this morning (for a September morning) - around 06:30 and spent well over half an hour on top of the bridge over the Yarkon river. Photos 1 & 2 (Photo 2 I took showing the weary feeling I get when knowing this river covered up a horrible secret for a few months - a little girl's body was hidden in it). Later on I saw 2 turtles on each side of the river. I was so surprised. I always thought the turtle I used to see was the only one there and quite special. Who knows how many more turtles are in it. It is lovely though and I had a good laugh (all by myself so I must have looked real weird if there would have been people around) when a Snow Egret got curious and decided to see what those creases on the water surface were and saw the turtle look straight up in his face. The poor bird looked like she was quite confused :D - Photo 3 although the turtle cannot be made out so clearly due to him having the same color as the murky Yarkon water.The fishermen at the wavebreaker were very pleased this morning. They caught some real nice Denises (Also some arash but those were put in a different bucket because considered inferior to the Denise, LOL). Photo 4. As I was standing there one of them caught a tiny little fish and they exclaimed "Oooooh a Communist", hahahahaha.... They told me they call it that way because they don't like them. He was thrown at the floor to die. I felt sorry for the little guy and I picked it up -with a carton because I was warned not to touch him because their 'poison' stings for at least half an hour if you do touch them barehanded- and threw it back in the sea. Then I saw crabs again at the pond. They are not always there and last time I made a mess out of photographing them clearly (they turned up real vague) so here some more photos of one - I believe he has only one claw :-( - Photos 5 & 6. I think he's real beautiful. Blue legs, Orange claws, transparent body.... After I had settled myself at the top of the stairs of "my" mezah I noticed the sea (finally hahahaha) - he was soooo calm and relaxed. As if he had swallowed a (huge) Chill Pill :D Although I prefer him to be more wild I still very much enjoyed this 'mood' he was in, and after having finished my capuccino and sandwich I had bought at Aroma-at-the-beach I decided to sit at the very end of the mezah. There I went..... and wandered into a totally different, secluded world. Soooo lovely. The fact that there were (a lot of) fishermen around me didn't bother me at all. First of all, I know all of them and second they are lovely people and don't talk much but are there when you 'need' them. Now the Jet-ski 'thing'. I have started smiling at a jet-skier since a few weeks already each time we "meet" (not that I initiated it, I am far too shy for that) and am in hopes of him offering me a ride on his jet-ski one time. And so -today as well- he came by a few times and stops right in front of me and......... we smile at each other, hahahahahah - He already spoke to me once -some kind of compliment I didn't quite get- but today he made it a point to stop right in front of me and "notice" him. So, I have high hopes that one day, maybe and desirably before the end of summer, I will be offered a ride on a jet-ski.Last photo is of where I would like to be 24/7. Right there, at the end (on the righthand side) - The end of the world. For me....

At 'my' mezah it was busy. At least 6 fishermen and 2 children. So instead of sitting on my stairs I decided to walk right up till the end of the pier again and, because there were no chairs in sight this time, sit down on the rocky grounds on my butt. This meant I was even closer to the water and felt more out of control of what could be. From time to time waves were covering the ground I was sitting on and also drops of sea water wet me when the waves bounced into the firm foundation of the pier, so they burst out like a fountain all over me.I was weary. Very weary. On guard. It was alright as long as I didn't look up over the vast huge endlessness of the sea in where those waves swelled up -not knowing how they would 'develop' and how that would affect where I was sitting. After a while one of the fishermen (I know them all) came up and walked past down the rocky ramp (about 2 meters) in front of the end of the mezah (a piece that must have been broken off because it looks that way) - We talked some and during that talk I admitted to him I was afraid to sit there (at the rocky ramp). Somehow he convinced me "take the plunge" (so to speak) - He gave my backpack to another fisherman to watch over (because I was afraid my camera, that's in there, would get wet) and while holding his hand I went down the ramp and sat down there. I could feel the force of the waves running over me. I would have felt very stupid but I needed all my concentration on what I was doing: just sit and let the waves come over me.... It was like a daddy holding his young child's hand - that's why should have felt stupid.I could see he couldn't understand my fright. But, how could I explain to an "acquaintance" what goes through me? How I see things like a child - trying out everything anew, but this time being myself instead of wanting to comform and how I see and feel things instead of what is expected how one should act/react/behave/feel and me obliging because of that expectation? Not wanting to walk 'out of line'. Overriding my own fears... Not this time.I see an airplane lift off or land or fly 50 meters over my head like the Hercules does almost each time I am at the mezah - and I am in awe. It gives me a feeling hard to describe - but 'wondrousness' would get pretty close... I know millions of people use airplanes every day and it is as much a 'product' like a car or bicycle - But, that doesn't take away my feeling when I see it.I see large ships in the sea or harbor and I am in awe. No matter how many cruises and other things have made large ships into 'user products', it doesn't change the feeling I get when seeing one.I see the small fish at the pond and it relaxes me. They're so basic and yet so sophisticated. Even though they're easy prey and fishermen won't think twice when seeing them but rather take them for granted - I watch them, over and over and over and over again - and it never becomes "part of the scene" for me.I see an Hibiscus at an hedge of a garden I pass waving her petal's ballroomdress and hiding her absolutely incredible beautiful colored stems underneath the ballroomdress petals shade... It touches me. It makes me stand still and admire it for the beauty it brings. It is a "thing" rather than yet another part of the accustomed view.I see two Mynahs together - (gotta see the photos herebelow) - of which one of them - upon seeing me stop across from them - walks away so as to take the attention from the young one away and talk to each other ("she's still standing there" - 1st mynah photo) the other: ("what???" -second mynah photo) the walkawayer: ("are you deaf?" -third mynah photo) - and I am 'caught' in their little world (that I obviously don't understand but catch my attention nonetheless).How could I explain to this fisherman why I am 'afraid' of the sea when the reason is so basic, like a child, behind it? Especially since I am not the least bit afraid to enter the water "the regular way" via the beach and swim until I can't stand anymore...
In this world -
where it all is about who's got 'it made' and one looks at money, where one's 'value' is shown by diploma's, by what car you drive, what brands of clothes you wear, where cyclists are 'recognized' mainly by the expensive helmets and conforming clothes (that look ridiculous on them) they wear when cycling, or joggers by their brand sportsshoes, where 'the talk' of the day (caught by me) between two women, while standing near a beautiful Snow Egret they didn't even see, is about outwittingly showing the other how much more she had travelled around the world than the other one ....
- how can I explain that I see things like I see them for the very first time and each time I see them like the very first time? They would think I am crazy.