Left house around 6 a.m. and steadily walked towards the beach. First thing I say was Kitty. I took photos of her hurt leg. She seems happy and relaxed, but she is cripple. Along came flying the pair of Kingfishers and Kitty was looking at them but probably knew she wouldn't stand a chance ever catching them.
Up on the wavebreaker I exchanged a few "hello's" and "how are you's" with the fishermen there - today was a good day. Almost all of them caught a few fish. A new fish to me was what one fisherman called "Televizia" (must be slang). Tiny, but tasty - he said.
Arriving at my checkpoint near the rocks I saw Ms. Cat and she, most definitely, saw me. I feel honored I fell into her liking and she follows me around everywhere, but I wish she would stop biting me out of affection. Her bites are soft and totally painless - she doesn't push her teeth through the skin, but I am traumatized by the amount of injections I have received here in Israel - those are injected in the rear and are -I think so at least- painful :-(
Anyway, so she caught me when I unsuspectedly was trying to photograph fish fighting for bread on the water - My elbows were on the balustrade and she came up there and tenderly bit me. Only later did I see a tiny hole and blood running from it on my arm. And, and this is what worries me, a larger purple spot that seems filled with blood.
At those same rocks I heard a fisherman near me call out "hello there! so nice to meet you" - and it turned out he had caught a larger, white crab on his fishing rod. The crab released itself before he could take it in though :D
Then, as I walked the boardwalk near the pond and looked into the water I say many, many, many white crabs stuck to the (concrete - but with sea-weed covered) edge of the pond. They were big, white, with orange colored chelae and had......... blue legs. I tried to catch this on camera but the ever pounding waves made it very difficult. Quite beautiful though.
C'est tous. The first time I saw living white crabs.
(My mezah was busy. Few old fishermen and some new ones. The new ones saw me and started saying they had found a Mermaid - but the fishermen I know told them off. This is not a way to talk about somebody. I agree!)
The first photo isn't very clear, but the blue legs of the crab can be seen!
Another one about crows for you :D :D
The day will come when at the sight of a crow you will prostrate yourself and worship these magnificent creatures. I'll see to it
:D :D
I won't. I will never like them. I don't like aggressive people, I don't like aggressive birds or animals.
That's who i am...
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