When I arrived at the bridge the darkness had cleared already and slowly the Snow Egrets, Pied Kingfishers, Peewees and other (like pigeons) birds started flying over. I stood there for a quite a while and when I moved on I noticed something up -other than a feathered friend- was moving. It turned out to be a surveillance camera. Probably for checking up on traffic on busy days. But it was a real weird feeling seeing it follow me with its movement as I passed from one side of the bridge to the other. (on the photo it is hardly noticeable).
I noticed the Frangi Pani's aren't that "fresh" looking anymore. Even though they grow still from buds to flowers they miss the "sparkle" that was there before.
I saw Kitty again. This time she stayed close to me for a while but after noticing I did nothing -except for talk to her- she moved away from me 3 times. A nice man stopped and we discussed what we could do for her, but on a Shabbat and that early in the morning we were both left clueless and Kitty -yet again- to her own device. Darn :-(
I then proceeded on to the "big" wavebreaker and decided to climb up on it - and let the waterdrops of the waves that were breaking near a kind of pole wet me. I still feel uncomfortable walking that mezah but when the drops hit me I forgot about everything and just enjoyed.
And then.............. I did what I wanted to do for a few weeks now already. I ventured out on "my" mezah (the small one) - and asked one of the fishermen if he thought it dangerous to climb off the mezah and on to the pole and hold myself in order to let the waves 'get me'. He said that it wasn't dangerous and then continued to say that he would save me if something happened. Upon which the other fishermen joined and said they would save me as well. It might sound funny when I am reading this back sometime later on, but although this was all 'lightheartedly' said it made me feel more secure in venturing out to the pole.....
YESH!!!!!!!! Good gracious. Ohmy, ohmy... what a feeling !
Although the sea was very feisty all morning already, the break-up of the first wave that hit me was higher than at least 2 or more meters, covering me completely under water... Like the sea was saying "welcome" with a big, evil grin on his 'face' LOL. I am extremely happy I held on to the handles on the pole because if not, I would be "beachgranny on the rocks" now, hahahaha.... The sheer power of his waves is beyond imagination. At least - my imagination. Although I am very much aware of the power of the sea when you actually feel it - it is even more impressive.
There were several other partly broken, partly in existence being waves that hit me and I thoroughly enjoyed them. When I read this back sometime I hope I can remember the feeling of exhilaration that took control of me while submerging into this particular manner of becoming re-acquainted with the sea...
On my way back home I found a red rose floating in the waters of the pond. I am not crazy, I know somebody threw it in there sometime. But still... after this experience seeing it right then, I felt it was as if the sea was symbolically giving it to me...
I made some more photos, one of a neat graffiti and one of a guitar-player on the boulevard getting ready to play and earn money - but the sweetest about that was his dog: sitting there tied to the tree as part of the act :D
This is goodbye to summerholiday for me. From tomorrow on I have to work 3 jobs again so only time to go to the sea once or twice a week...
17-8-2008 - The sea has again taken 2 lives over this weekend. That's 7 lives in a few weeks time. A girl of 9 and a girl of 14 drowned...
BTW if we are talking about crows
Arggghhh - now we have to wait until "scientists" will say we descend from crows? :D
I saw very ruthless crows this summer, Nobody. Once a few of them chased another one over the beach - that crow didn't even have feathers anymore and was bleeding. He hid finally in a niche in a wall . . .
and anther time the same thing happened. on another beach. though the attacked crow didn't bleed or was bald like that first one, it was definitely in very bad shape - from the attacks of the other crows.
now I hate them even more. they attack "their own" as well. whether they have brains or not, they are simply disgusting...
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