The whole scenery was already in place, the snow-egret came flying over my head, the fire-flies dancing in the sunlight and of course the overwhelming outburst of the colors of the flowers everywhere. I do notice a change though. Where first the trees had purple little flowers all over them now those are gone. The Bougainvillea however is blooming abundantly all around. Their flowers like fluorescent little colored light-bulbs, so very vivid and varied.
I met an old friend when I arrived at the beach whom I hadn't seen for many, many years already and who used to be a very close friend of mine during my beginning years in Israel. It was a very nice surprise and we decided to stay in contact. I was happy though she (and the other friend she was with) didn't suggest we walk the beach together. That is strange because I love people and always enjoy with friends and I like her a lot. It dawns upon me that I need this time to enjoy from my surroundings alone....
Well the sea was even more 'angry' than the day before yesterday but didn't splash over the railing that much. His stories were roaring though (meaning he made a lot of noise). I made my round telling "my fishermen" good morning and ask whether they caught something but except for one none had caught anything. This particular fisherman caught a "Denise" - nice fish, but it also looked small to me...
When walking the beach you don't notice what they're doing at the boulevard so when I took the boulevard walk this morning instead of wading through the water (it was too crowded to my liking) I was surprised to find the Iriya (I think) had installed a kinda work-out place people can do exercises. Of course I had to try it out. It was lovely. I never used those attributes before because I always thought it was dumb to go to a mechon Kosher when you can do everything "naturally". But, I must admit, it was very nice to put those muscles I seem not to use normally into action.
I arrived back home at 11:15, so I had a nice, long morning at my refuge ;-)
WOW! A gym on the beach! That is really clever! Never seen anything like that anywhere in the world before. It's a good thing to exercise those forgotten muscles from time to time. Here in London the only exercise we do is to slalom among passers-by, beggars and druggies.
Not so negative, Bennauro ;-)
I am sure there are lots of lovely things to do in London as well. It is famous for being a 'fun' city....
Try to get most fun out of what your surroundings offer you, I am doing the same over here :)
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