Unfortunately there also was a sad thing happening and that was that a rather large turtle came drifting towards the beach... but a dead one :-(
1. The bird that I am trying to catch on camera for months now but am not able to. So two rather blurred photos - just in case someone recognize him like this. He flutters his wings while staying in mid-air above water without moving for- or backwards or up or down and then dives rather deep into the water to come out with a fish in his beak.
2. The dead turtle :-( Turtles are not a usual sight here and then, when it finally happens one time, it's a dead one. I feel so sad for him. I wander what happened to him.... He was around two meters in size.
3. The mezah just past Manta Ray with view of Jaffa's sea front. Notice the "Know Hope" graffiti - that seems to have been written all over town, btw.
4. The place at the Marina where I had my coffee.... :p
5. An insigne on an old building near the sea (the building was not in use anymore and looked terribly shabby). I wonder what it means....
6. Pigeons taking refuge from the boiling sun under the small roof of a minaret. That place btw, in between the hustle of the sea-front and the hustle of the tourist attraction right above, is mesmerizing. A small paradise of quiet peace and singing birds...
7. (This I found so funny, but doubt it will cause anyone else to laugh) - A photo of the shoes left outside the mosque before entering it, showing the "great diverse taste in shoes of 'our' men in Jaffa" (like: they're all the same, LOL )
8. The building that was built end of 18th century and served as a Turkish jail under the Ottoman Empire and later by the British as a police station. (How hard can it be to be a prisoner overlooking the sea every day, I wonder :D )
9. The Turkish-Jaffa cultural center...
10. Men doing men's things..... playing backgammon :p
UPDATE: (hahahah like a news-agency lol)
the mystery of the insigne I found on a building facing the port and which picture is shown above - has been solved thanks to a very good friend of mine:
The first letters mean: Jesus - Christ
and the letters underneath: the conquerer -
the cross is both Greek and Russian orthodox,
and underneath it the O.T.O. which can be read about here:
click for O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis)
nice photos.. i often surf near the know hope thing in the middle of the week..
My friend was in Nigeria for a week or something. The blog is in Russian but I think you may like the photos.
Lirun, tell me when, I will come and make photos :p
Nobody, indeed: great photos. Looks like he got to visit away from tourist attractions and see 'da real thing' :)
We has an interesting discussion about head porterage or how they call it. Basically they are carrying everything on their heads from schoolbags to refrigerators. It's absolutely astonishing. But what is more interesting is the stunning poise all Nigerians seem to possess. Now my friend says he is sure there is a connection. If one is engaging in head porterage from young age he is bound to developed a superb balance and poise. I think if we could go back to head porterage (why not??) and dispense with chairs we could have probably eliminate 90% of this low back pain epidemic. what do you say?
I think you and your friend are right :D
(as a side note: in the 'good old days' - fashionmodels had to learn to walk around with books on their heads to teach them to walk 'properly' ... )
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