As I was walking I started getting conscious of a song that I was singing over and over in my head. It's an old Dutch song, from the generation of my parents still and called "Een Ballonnetje". It tells about a balloon on a string dancing in the wind. I never heard it anymore since I was a child. I wondered how it got in my head. . . . .
The Shouk didn't have what I needed (although it had a lot of what I would liked to have bought) but I thoroughly enjoy walking through it. It's one of the most colorful places I know. In every meaning of that word (colorful).
When I got to the beach I was met by a girl distributing flyers about a "Masshaat" - sort of organized sailing demonstration - in honor of the remembrance of the sinking of the Altalena - of which yesterday the ceremony was held for the monument. It was to take place at 10. Fine. I waited at the rocks out on the sea-breaker. There was a sweet looking pigeon that caught my attention that came to sit close to me but later flew off when a child came running in it's direction. The Masshaat was not much and I left soon after 10.
There I saw the pigeon again and decided to take photo of him - when I discovered why he looked so 'rueful'. He had a thread caught up between both of his legs. As much as I wanted to help him get rid of it.... it wouldn't work. Each time I got closer than 1 meter from him he flew away... Poor pigeon :(
As I was standing waiting for the moniot sherut to go home I looked up and there high in the sky was .................... A BALLOON ON A STRING DANCING IN THE WIND!!!!
Poor pigeon, indeed! It can't be easy...!
Still, you had the clear image of freedom in that balloon dancing in the wind, and the sad image of... lack of freedom in that horrible thread caught up between its legs.
Meaningful images, I believe...
Not only that... but you managed to put Jaffa in the background...That's where I was 6 six ago! My favorite place!
You like Jaffa hey? :D
Jaffa is great. I like it as well. Hopefully I'll be going there in the next few days. Will take photos. Of course ;-)
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