Again the Egret. But now wading through the subsiding -due to the tide- sea... hunting for fish and crabs. The lightening suits my mood. Tomorrow will be a new day. Perhaps more "rosy". Some crabs were out sunbathing as well.... but hurried back to let the sea give them shelter when they sensed the Egret:
As I was returning from the Nemaal I had trouble passing a 'ceremony' near "tshitsh" beach. It turned out that the new Altalena memorial was being 'uncovered'. Old men talking about their past on that ship were telling their story. It was very interesting. Ron Holdayi (T-A mayor) was there as well.
Egret! Thank you. I didn't know the name of that bird in Hebrew. I saw a beautiful one 6 weeks ago on the beach of Nahariya and took a pic of it. No chance of seeing the egret where I live. I'm glad you're feeling better...
I also hope to have a better day tomorrow...
Thank you :-)
In Hebrew they're called
אנפת שלג
(the fishermen told me, they're a good source of information, sometimes better than encyclopedias LOL)
Nahariya beach must be beautiful. I hope to go there too some time hopefully.
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