As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don't know We don't know. ~D. Rumsfeld

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Not too much to say

Today is my daughter's birthday. After hard 'labor' (and endlessly long as well) I brought a living creature into this world 30 years ago. I can still remember the feeling of disbelief. DID I DO THIS?? Me? Wow.... Such an accomplishment. I never could have thought I was able to fulfill something so magnificent. A tiny little baby - so complete, so beautiful.

Anyway... life goes on and it is only good we cannot look into the future. At least, not me. This 'future' I am in is as alien to me as sci-fi movies about the 21st century were when I was a kid. How one's own flesh and blood can cut the vein she came from. It's not her fault. But it still hurts. So I go on photographing things that find their way into my heart because of their sole existence that's appearing to me.

Like this snail that I found yesterday at the entrance of the building I live in - in the middle of a, for him, HUGE space... all alone... Like a magnet he attracted me and had me lying on my stomach making pictures of him. Because I so much would like to convey that feeling I'm getting when I see things like him. An inexplicable pure feeling, a connection with awe to nature. To the most primitive form of it that's -actually- the most sophisticated as well:


Happy birthday dear daughter - although you don't celebrate it and say you hate presents ...


Unknown said...

Sometimes I wish children would know how much love we, parents, have for them. I'm sure they dont even begin to appreciate the intensity and the depth of that love.
I always tell my kids what my mom used to tell me- "you'd only know how much I love you when you will have kids yourself". The kids' reaction is always the same: "yeah yeah, we heard that 100 times already"....

Beachdiary said...

Well, I forgot to say those things when they were needed to be said. My bad. I thought it was obvious. I loved my parents till death and they loved me and never knew (one of) my own children could think otherwise in our parent/child relationship. Indeed... my bad...

Thanks for commenting though. I really appreciate it.