The birds were talking loudly this morning. Especially noticeable due to the second Holiday-day of Pesach today because of which, I guess, people were sleeping late. It was gorgeous. The streets practically empty, the birds were hoovering above my head (and one Palestinian Sunbird even placed himself on a tree-branch right opposite me in order to start to chat to me about something only he can probably understand - *obviously I didn't make a photo of it since by the mere look at my camera birds fly away with a speed faster than light* - and another of that same very elusive species of birds singing a loud and bright song just 1 meter above my head) and their presence was actually FELT by me :-) (because so many of them hide so well you can only hear them but not see).
Various photos taken today underneath (with capture). But I must say I am disappointed the PR ranking of my blog went down from 3/10 to 2/10 :-( Just because it isn't world news or an educational blog it is less 'interesting'?
Nevermind :D Blow them.
A tree not having a single leaf on him but drowning in flower-buds:
It's flower buds from close-up:
I picked one of those up to see how it felt like and the touch is like touching wood:
Here they are growing on the tree(s):
A very special tree - because it has very special (and extra-ordinary) leaves:
Those leaves from close-up, don't they look like little hearts have been drawn on them?
Finally arriving at Fairytaletree I saw that the ground around him was covered in the leaves he dropped - like a smooth carpet around him... But, he is looking so skinny now :( I really hope he's OK:
There were several of his gorgeous passionate looking flowers growing on him though and many flower buds were around it as well - eventhough his branches looked devastating:
There were SO many (flower) buds on the bushes and trees... It was very uplifting to see and a great privilege to experience (because I take the time to stand still and actually enjoy from it) -
This is a Jasmine and a Jasmine bud where I stuck my nose in to inhale its exquisite perfume:
And, just near it, I saw this itchi-bithcy-tiny-weeny spider web:
Finally a photo of the reason for my early morning escapes: The Sea. He was moderately wild today. He was looking grey and angry and I spotted no fish whatsoever - Can he be angry at us because Israel is poluting him time after time again so even I have the feeling that they should hang the ones responsible for that?
The last photo is of an experiment I am undertaking. I bought Clementina's in order to plant their pits and grow a 'tree'. Unfortunately Murphy -my twin sis- was visiting me again and although I always choke on the amount of pits in either oranges or clementina's - this time OF COURSE because I wanted to obtain pits... there were only 6 pits in the two Clementina's I had bought for planting purposes, GRRRRRR! The soil is clay/sand from the garden downstairs I 'stole':
Various photos taken today underneath (with capture). But I must say I am disappointed the PR ranking of my blog went down from 3/10 to 2/10 :-( Just because it isn't world news or an educational blog it is less 'interesting'?
Nevermind :D Blow them.
To boost your PR ranking I would advise you to rename your blog from beachdiary to bitchdiary and start posting really sexually offensive stuff Nizo style. Make up a colophon that sounds something like "musings of a super libidinous granny about nature and the meaninglessness of life". High ranking will be guaranteed to you at this point.
Hehehe :D I would have to adjust myself to what others think is interesting in ranking me? Forget about it :D Let them adjust their ranking system to what I value and think should be the consensus for having a high rank.
Alright, babe. If however you decide to change direction, just whistle to me. You will take care of the contents, I will try to mobilize readership.
For now, you can put some order into the way you are posting pictures. Post them small, my computer gets stuck when I come to your blog. I would not mind it if it was some heavily sexually charged material, but to have to reboot the system because of a crab or a flower makes me feel completely pissed off.
Urggghh do you mean that? My computer isn't making any problems at all and I am complaining about mine all the time :D
Time to change your p.c., Nobody?
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