It was lovely on route to and near the sea itself. Fairytaletree is voluptuously blooming right now and the deep fragrance of his passionate flowers is absolutely hypnotizing. This time round I didn't get to see all of the 7 baby-rabbits I counted a while ago but some were around and about and had definitely grown.
This morning I didn't have only one coffee to go as I usually have but two. This is a holiday so I thought 'let's celebrate' :D
A few fishermen I know and hadn't seen during the winter are slowly starting to come back fishing off my mezah again. It was fun meeting them again. Those old cheeky sonsofagun :D
A very different looking wurm was struggling his way between the weeds in the puddles at the middle of my mezah. The photos will show why I found it so extra-ordinary looking. I never even knew multi-colored wurms existed.