I know I'll always get by
I heat up, I cool down
When something gets in my way I go around it
Don't let life get me down
(click to hear)
Right. I go around it. As long as and whenever I can. I 'disappear' into the surroundings of my environment when walking to and being at the sea. Escapism pur sang. And it's great..... until I have to get back to reality and face it ...
Today's escape to the sea was delightful. Even before I hit the end of the street I am still living in, I dissolved into my surroundings. It was lovely at 07:00 a.m. on this Shabbath. Hardly any people around, many birds with their songs and flowers waking up under the soft early sun in a gentle blue sky.
Before the bridge I thought I saw a 'Skedia' but now, thinking of it, I don't think so anymore, the flowers, after all, don't resemble it. The flowers (and mostly buds) in that tree did capture my heart and brought me in ecstacy though. They looked so tender and fragile. Their color a subtle lilac.... [photo 1 & 2].
As I walked along I also saw a few people going to synagogue [photo 3].
And, near Bunny-Hill I already started to watch out to see if those little rascals were around... and they were :D [photo 4 of one looking at me as if he's asking 'what do you want from me?' and photo 5 of one that followed me and observed me].
Around them were Blackbirds flying from one dry, leafless tree to another. The branches of those trees made it hard to detect them as [photo 6] shows.... They're so cute though!!
And at the end of that little patch of nature in concrete Tel-Aviv I saw that some kind of animal had had a good meal eating practically 3-quarters of a pomegrate that was hanging in a tree there [photo 7].
As I approached Fairytaletree I saw 1 of the 3 fruits he had hanging in the middle since April last year when I started noticing it, had fallen off. Absolutely a memorable occassion so I made a photo of that as well [photo 8]. Of the trio only a duo is left now [photo 9] and I wonder how long it will take for those to drop...
The sea was gorgeous as ALWAYS. No real waves but still re-confirming his presence by splashing water over the balustrade. The last photo [photo 10] I made as a time-stamp. Winters are getting warmer and warmer over here and I know this for sure. This sight of a 'summery' scene is what this winter has been all about. I can distinctly remembers that in the past Israeli winters were watery cold (inside the houses) and much, much, much more rainier and overcast.
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