The first photo is of a flower I think a tree wanted to give me (don't laugh!) - he dropped it right in front of my walking feet :-) I carried it around on my walk and smelled on it from time to time, since the smell is absolutely exquisite. Is it a Jasmine? Anyway, the second photo is of a clutch of those flowers in the same tree that 'gave' this flower to me.
On the way I saw more lovely flowers - which I see actually every day, everywhere around here and I thought I better photograph them before they are gone. As one of the photos shows - they do fall off. Those flowers btw, that are laying on the ground in that photo are hairy ... I don't know if this can be seen in the other photo of it, but I did my best to show it (meaning I was practically laying flat on the pavement, hahahahaa - I just don't look up anymore to see how people are staring at me).
The little fish were very abundantly present in the sea today. But what was even more remarkable is that not as usual when you hardly see them, but only their shadows, they sort of surfaced and seemed to be sunbathing ON the water. Soooo cute! The photos don't do the sight of that any good. They seem dull and grey-ish, but on the contrary - looking at them with the naked eye - they were shiny and vivid and looked as if they were returning the rays of the sunshine.
That's it. I'm still smelling my flower from time to time - I put it in some water.
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