As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don't know We don't know. ~D. Rumsfeld

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Little, big things

Well, that's where it was all about this week. Small creatures and/or remarks that made all the difference for me.

I had to go near Sarona again at the beginning of this week to fix some papers and with time left but not enough to actually to get any work done I decided to enter. They're building within Sarona now. All activity. None of the peace and quiet I had expect to find there. A cat who saw me from afar came sort of running to me and didn't leave me until I sneaked away from her after a while because following me would mean endangering her crossing a usual quiet street now buzzing with bulldozers etc.
She kept on talking to me as can be seen in this photo:

A few days later I came home from work and another cat decided to follow me. I felt rotten to have to close the door on her but what could I do? She decided to let me feel even worse by looking at me from behind the closed door:

Yesterday I decided to cook for myself. I have never cooked for myself before because I think it's a waste of energy - Only for myself?? However I gave it a chance and the following photo is meant to serve as a souvenir because honestly speaking I still think it's not worth it to put in so much effort only for myself and won't repeat this trial soon again:
(The glass with red stuff in it next to the plate is Sangria, hmmmmmm)

As I was preparing this meal a wasp came flying in thru the glass trisim and landed on the little shelf above the stove. He looked quite disoriented as he came flying in and I was right. It took him something like half an hour to die, the poor thing. He first explored the fake mushroom near my plant and played photomodel for numerous photos. The following two show how close I could get without him freaking out:

This morning on my route to the Nemaal I heard a great noise and saw Parrots, Mynahs and Venous Starlings (I call them Starlets, hahaha) were 'talking' to each other. One Venous Starling up high on an antenna can be seen in the following photo with his beak open - which is typical because they're truly very loud birds. The other photo is of two of them on the grounds of the 'quarrel' - after the Parrots had taken off:

The White Silk Floss trees at the entrance to Tel-Aviv before the Gesher Ha-Halacha are dropping their flowers and now it's time for their cotton-ball production. Those cotton balls are beautiful. Fine very thin 'hairs' all moulded into one ball but making this ball shine exorbitantly when the sun throws its rays upon them:

A thing that bothers me lot with many of the so-called "God fearing" people is that they almost always talk in a dictate tone. This poster doesn't request from God to "reveal Himself" but says so in a confirmative way. Of course, there's a political statement attached to it...

Sitting at the end of my mezah again relaxed me to no end eventhough there were just too many people around. Walking near the pond I heard a father say to a mother "they could make this into a wonderful swimming area. I wonder why they don't do it?" Upon which their little daughter seriously said "because there are no showers here". Isn't that just adorable? But they never paid attention to her :-(
Here's the swimming pool without showers, hahahaha:

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Power Of Life

When things get really down there are two things one can do: bail out or try to stumble back up. So, I'm trying to stumble back up and guess what? I'm proud in myself because I ain't doing so bad with that.

Last Thursday evening I went to see Cesaria Evora with a friend. I only have one word for that performance: "Magnifique". This elderly lady, totally clean of any 'celebrity attitude', of whom one should think her voice would become weaker with age - still has the magic talent to have a sold-out concert hall on their feet and dancing - while her voice is as warm and deep as on her recorded music.

To get a taste of it - though bad image and sound:

Then, Friday -after shopping fanatically on Thursday morning before work in order to
get the right ingredients for the Nasi Goreng I was planning to cook, another friend, H. ,
came to stay the weekend with me. Although I was running all day in order to present her
with a decent meal, it was lovely and I totally enjoyed her stay with me. We sort of just
relaxed (except for the cooking and cleaning) and watched t.v. while this morning we
set out for 'my walk' to the Nemaal.

She doesn't want to drive on Saturdays (Shabbath) so we also had to walk the route back
again which, to my surprise was not tiring at all.

Following are the photos and captions

A butterfly on a Jasmine flower:

Now that H. was with me I took advantage of it and asked her to take a photo of me with Ms.Cat:

H. was afraid to descend to my mezah and so I descended alone and was lucky enough to have Mr. Egret land near me during his everlasting search for food. I like this photo though it is very faulty - I wouldn't mind having a poster like this on my wall:

And, yes... again, a jet-ski. I so thoroughly enjoyed driving one in Eilat I wish I was on this one in the photo below:

When we set out to return home we decided to take a different route and so passing the Hilton Hotel I saw someone looking at something in the Charles Chlore park and the curious type I am - I wanted to see what it was. Turns out there's a Muslim graveyard there, HUH??? All these years I'm here and the thousands of times I have passed there without noticing it even. There's a sign up that says: "forbidden entrance, holy territory"...

Near there were beautiful Sabres growing and against the deep blue skies I had to take a photo of them as well, of course:

We saw many cats everywhere as usual but I place a photo of this one because he or she was so funny looking:

And, luckily enough, I again saw the little lizard that I saw about a week ago hiding at the building site near my previous home - but I didn't have a camera with me that time:

And last (but not least as they say) a photo from Thursday morning when a Whitebreasted Kingfisher came to sit at the electricity cable near my balcony window solely to provide me with a heavenly feeling of being blessed to be able to enjoy the beauty of a bird like that shining in the early morning sun:

Friday, November 13, 2009

trying to survive, holding on desperately

Yes, I find it hard to live. Until now life has caused me 80% pain and 20% happiness. I would like it all to be over but at the same time I am afraid of lying there rotting away in my grave. Though I am 100% sure my former partner will burn in eternal hell for what he has done to me, I also believe that my actions and accountability has nothing to do with him and I have not always acted as I probably should have. I think....

That doesn't take away from that a grave injustice has been placed upon me by 'fate'. I struggle through the weeks and in the weekends I let go.... But it doesn't help me cure.

I am lucky in one single way only and that is that I sincerely enjoy and have this enjoyment run through my entire body, from the sights I spot (while other people might think I am acting strange, not marching in the march of normativity -looking up at the skies, standing still over an ant or my face lightening up when seeing a butterfly or anything else that is around all of us but I single out because they make me feel happy: for the time I am amongst them) when being outdoors.

Here is my story of this morning:

It rained. And, the sun shone. Have you ever paid attention to the shine of tens of thousands of tiny little rain drops carrying the sunshine on their backs? Photos can't do that justice. Just have a look when you see it and let it absorb you like it does me, it's magical:


The skies were tri-colored today, so very powerful hovering over us but being noticed by almost nobody - as if it is a 'regular thing' and thus don't need to be enjoyed from anymore:


When I looked over my shoulder I noticed the fire that was holding on to its place while the rain was pouring down:


Always having my imagination run wild when walking my routes I noticed a "Doorway To Heaven" when continuing on. A "hole" between the clouds that seems to invite to 'come in' and move up to brighter spheres:


As the rays of the sun were showing their power through the darkness the clouds of the rain were placing upon me - I found that the fish in the little (artificially made) fish pool on route to Tel-Aviv were not impressed at all. They swam around like on any other day (and it probably was) while I enjoyed from their orange shine and the little circle-like 'waves' the raindrops were throwing on their pool being high-lighted by the sunshine:


There's one fish there (has been there forever so it seems to me) - who is like a little puppy :-) When I approach the pool he comes swimming over close to me, hahahaha - like he's begging for food like a little puppy, soooo adorable:


The tunnel underneath the crossing you can't cross above grounds and I always avoid usually this early in the morning because of fear of who knows what.... looked like the tunnel I hear people having near-death experiences talk about. If it looks like that... when am I invited?:


The garden surrounding this tunnel is always filled with beggars, birds and stray cats. This kitten looked so sad.... Her eyes are like nothing I have ever seen (so beautiful). I feel sorry for those cats but know "that's nature" and that's how it goes:


Passing Yizraeli shopping and business center I noticed tens of posters as in the photo hereunder. What I have to say to it is "shame on you"!!!!!! Making people fear in order to have them join your ideology?? How dare you!! I still don't understand how people dare to take it upon themselves to speak "in the name of" God. That's a SIN. I hope they'll get punished when the time is right... whether in this life or -if there is such a thing- in the afterlife.


I then passed across the road from Sarona which also is the place opposite the army 'camp' where the army, and thus defense ministries, are holding office. Soldiers who were wounded and came back home disabled from wars, has set up camp there in order to demonstrate against the utterly disgusting provisions the ministry of defense is holding against them. They were willing to give their lives (their worlds - when that ends, for them the world has ended) but when they returned home being disabled to function for 100% in daily life, the ones in power and holding the money are not even willing to compensate so they can live at least a little like people who -because they have money or connections, protection- do not even enter the army and not endanger their lives in anyway:


Another flyer (attached to an electricity box it is forbidden to stick anything on) said that the country is being controlled by 'money' and the people holding this money. Which, incidentally, is what I also have said always. There was a demonstration march against one of those families evidently but it was last month:


I've seen a pink "white silk floss" in Allenby. I always thought the White Silk Floss trees (of whom I have placed many photos on this blog) were always white. Well, obviously they're not:


This last photo is the sweetest of all. A 'typical' down-town photo. An old man calling for a lovely looking cat to come closer to him. This man was drunk. This I could clearly see. But, I could never hold this against him. Another person for who life was too difficult to handle but luckily enough hasn't lost his feelings for what is 'real', nature (incl. animals)


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Keeping head above water

It seems that I keep just losing more and more and more. When I have not yet gotten used to one thing the next is already bombarded upon me. And it never is something nice. Damn, what have I done to deserve this? I'm on my own now. Totally. That's it. Well, who knows, maybe this is my lesson to be learned during this life: to start to love and respect myself - without having loved ones doing that for me.

The sun threw it's rays through the empty recycle crate in the street this morning creating a kinda flowery funny face shadow on the pavement:


I've seen this before and still think it's weird: a palm tree with berries growing on it:


The White Silk Floss was blooming like there's no tomorrow:


At Fairytaletree I noticed two branches had hooked up and looked like they were embracing each other:


They have taken down all those voluptuous trees that were situated at the crossing of Nordau and Ibn Gvirol. It looks boring without them:


This tree near the Hilton Hotel is huge. The opening at the foot is big enough to be considered a hut:


Yesterday would have been my father's birthday.